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How to Learn the Tech Skills You Need to Grow Your Business Without an Online Course

I know you’re wondering how you can learn the tech skills you need to grow your business without taking another boring online course.

You want your business to be a source of financial stability and satisfaction for you and your family. But for that to happen it must be organized, profitable, and run like a well-oiled machine (but it doesn’t right now). You need to leverage your time and energy, work smarter, not harder, and build sustainable systems that will support your growth. 

But technology may not be your thing and that’s ok. I also know creating systems is probably boring to you even though it lights me up. But if you want to grow your business and create success on your own terms then you need to give the back end of your business some attention. That means you need to create business systems. 

Now I know this may not be your strong suit, but it is mine. So today we’re going to talk about how you can improve your tech skills without taking another boring online course so you can grow your business without overwhelm. I’ve been where you are and I want to help you navigate through this part of the journey successfully.

A Bit About My Recent Entrepreneurial Journey

Transparency moment, I have been in hustle mode since mid-September 2022. Don’t worry, it is coming to an end and I am glad things will be settling down. 

Here’s a bit of the back story why this was the case. I officially launched The Mind Your Time Podcast (formerly known as The More Than Capable Mompreneur Podcast) in April 2020. Yep, right as Covid shut down the world. At that time I my goal was to help mompreneurs building a side gig or working their business full-time learn how to create their business systems. I realized my services weren’t a good fit for the women in that space. And the podcast wasn’t in alignment with my services. So my business wasn’t growing. 

And when I get those moments, when I feel like I’ve hit a wall, I remember what one of my mentors used to say. “Don’t quit, shift.” So I put things on pause so that I could make determine how to make a pivot in my business.

Then I sat down and had a black coffee conversation with myself. Despite being able to help my clients look at the big picture and move forward, I was struggling to figure out how to put all of the pieces of my business together. 

– I had the podcast but it didn’t align with my business and it was not generating leads.

– I had been trying to launch a membership for years but wasn’t making any progress.

– I wanted to use a private podcast as a lead magnet but I didn’t know how to structure it or incorporate it into my marketing.

So like I said, I had no idea how to get it all to work together. So I went back to basics and determined what the customer journey would look like and who I wanted to take this journey with and moved forward from there. One thing I was very clear on was that my main offers would be a back office assessment. But I wasn’t sure how to structure my podcast episodes or anything to make that my featured offer. 

I Decided to Invest in Some Help

So I knew I needed to invest in some help so that I could move forward, create a strategy and take action. At this time, Stacey Harris of Uncommonly More sent me a DM on Instagram that she was opening up her calendar for strategy sessions. I’ve been wanting to book one of those for years but I wasn’t ready before. But this time I was! So I moved some things around and booked a strategy session.

Stacey pointed out I needed to use the podcast content to explain what the assessment is, and why the assessment is valuable. I needed to take a step back and get my listeners to acknowledge that they don’t know what they don’t know. So I needed to break down the parts of the assessment and share how the assessment results get turned into an action plan. That action plan empowers the business owner to make the right decision for their business systems and guides them when it comes to making decisions to grow their business. 

If you would like to hear from a business owner that booked a back office assessment and took the journey with me, check out my chat with Jodi Silverman of Moms Who Dare. Implementing her action plan helped her get clarity in her business. Now she is focused on growing her business and she’s no longer overwhelmed by it all.

My strategy session with Stacey was the first of three investments I made in my business in 2022. And I am so glad that I did! In the fall I booked a podcast strategy intensive with Stacey and I enrolled in a six week intensive to launch my membership. It’s the Exponential Income Accelerator with Samantha Harris. Working with the two of them has helped me create a circular offer with my services. And the podcast as well as the audio freebie are constantly generating qualified leads which has increased my sales.

I’m so excited that the doors of my membership are officially open! It’s called the MY-T Society. This exclusive membership is for SheEO’s that are ready to ditch the boring courses, get organized, end the overwhelm and grow their business.

If you are a habitual DIYer, have an aversion to technology, are overwhelmed by all of the choices or just want to know how to use your technology to run your business more efficiently, then you need to be inside!

About the Monthly Membership

I decided to create this membership because online courses are boring. And if you’re like me, you never finish them anyway. And when it comes to creating systems, every business is different. Therefore, no blueprint or cookie-cutter solution will work. Documenting processes and implementing technology into your workflow probably isn’t your strong suit. You need access to someone that can guide you and help you when you get stuck.

The MY-T Society is going to shorten the learning curve, save you time and connect you to a PRIVATE AND SUPPORTIVE community of purpose-driven women.  And you have access to me at a price point that may fit into your budget a little better until you can work directly with me on a VIP Day.

Again, it is NOT a course overstuffed with boring videos. It is a high touch done-with-you group mentorship experience to help you organize your business and support you in learning how to use your tech tools so you can grow your business. This membership is intended for small business owners at different parts of their journey. I wanted to create the type of support I was searching for in every stage of growth in my business but couldn’t find.

And the best part, the membership is not hosted on Facebook! I created it on a platform called Heartbeat. It’s accessible via the web and you can install the mobile app on your phone or tablet.  I wanted this membership to be in a space free of all the distractions and limitations you experience with Facebook. Most importantly, I wanted everything you need to be in one space that is private and easily accessible.  

I want you to be intentional with your time. So when you’re ready to focus on your business, you can log into the app and get things done without distractions. 

So what do you think? Please DM me on Instagram @the_shannonbaker and let me know what you think about the MY-T Society membership whether you plan to join or not. 

And if this sounds like the solution you’ve been dreaming about, then go to and join today! I can’t wait to see you inside!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about the MY-T Society membership

Listen to EP 117: How to Calm the Chaos in Your Back Office with Jodi Silverman

Learn more about Stacey Harris

Learn more about Samantha Harris

Let’s connect online 

Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker