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How to Embrace the Season Your Life is in with Confidence

Are you on the struggle bus trying to embrace the season your life is in?

Life seems to throw you a lot of curve balls and you can’t control those things. That may not be an easy pill to swallow but it is a fact that you have to accept.

So exactly what can you do to cope with these changes? Start by remembering this.

“You only have control over three things in your life – the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. – Jack Canfield

I have learned that I can’t control the seasons of life I’m in. But I can control how I deal with those changes.  

We may want our circumstances to change, but dwelling on that robs you of your peace. But if we think positively, that has a positive impact on our outlook and our contentment. Contentment is a state of peaceful happiness and satisfaction.

So contentment comes down to your outlook on things. It’s a state of mind that you must maintain even when your circumstances change. And we know all too well that circumstances change overnight. Right?!

So how then, do we practice contentment and embrace the season our life is in when we don’t like it?

Tip #1 Stop putting time constraints on everything

Stop with the crazy expectations! Whether it’s the number of months it was supposed to take for you to finish that course, launch that podcast or that new offer. 

Why is that number is there.  Where did that expectation come from?

I’m not talking about the deadlines you put on your goals. I’m talking about the expectations that come from comparing your journey to someone else’s. It leaves you feeling like nothing you’ve done is good enough.

I went through this when it came to launching my podcast. It was a project that been on my heart for over two years. I was looking at how a podcast was helping other women in my community create a thriving business. So I knew having my own would be a game changer but it wasn’t the right time for me to launch one. 

Why? Because I didn’t have the clarity I needed in my business to create a podcast with a clear mission and vision that would serve you. So I took a step back from my business for a year to identify my zone of genius.

Now I know I love putting things in order for a specific outcome. This way I can control where I use my energy to get the best results. I also love helping others do the same by implementing systems in their daily life and in their business. 

So I picked a non-negotiable launch date which was April 1, 2020 and that forced me to let go of the perfectionist inside of me so that I could get the necessary things done and meet my deadline. Having this podcast has taught me to enjoy the journey and find something to be grateful for as I move forward in my journey. So I am not disappointed that I don’t have 100 downloads every week. 

I am grateful that 30 women consistently tune in to my podcast every single week. My consumption rate or the average amount of time my audience is tuning in is 50% or more every episode. That makes me happy!

I’ve made the top 200 in two podcast categories, the traffic to my website has doubled, my FB group and my email list grow every week, and I’m getting requests to be a guest on other people’s podcasts and to present at virtual events. 

Metrics are good but they are not the only way you should measure your success. Determine how your business is supposed to support your dream lifestyle. Then be intentional about what you spend your time on. Don’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter 8.

Embrace your journey and learn along the way!

Tip #2 Focus on what you can control 

Instead of feeling helpless, focus on the things you can control and change. Focus on that new habit you want to develop. Step outside your comfort zone to try something new that’s going to bring you closer to the person you want to be. You can choose to actively decide who you want to be—and that will move you from feeling helpless, to empowered.

For instance, you can’t control your kid’s school schedule. But you can control how you arrange your schedule. Create a more flexible schedule. 

Create time blocks that include the time you wake up. Be sure to carve out a few minutes for a morning routine even if it’s just 5 minutes. Make sure you block out time for school drop-off and pickups and include your travel time. Do the same if they have sports, dance or any other activities that require you to leave the house. Then create the rest of your time blocks for every day from there. 

Limiting yourself this way allows you to maximize the time you have by limiting what you place on your schedule. If you need help with time blocking your schedule, click here for some tips. And if you want some ideas to help you create a flexible morning routine, click here.

Be realistic about what will work for you based on the season of your life! That will help you embrace the season your life is in!

Tip #3 Develop Gratitude Habits 

Gratitude creates positive emotions like joy, love, and contentment. I love this quote…

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough. – Melodie Beatty

There is simple habit you can develop that only takes 5-10 minutes and it really works! I started writing down one thing I’m grateful for every day as part of my morning routine. It’s a simple one sentence entry I make in my paper planner. 

As part of my nighttime routine I look over my entry. This puts things into perspective, and helps me focus on how good I have it at that moment.  It’s about more than just writing down my thoughts. It helps me create a positive outlook which in turn is mentally and emotionally beneficial and reduces my anxiety so I can sleep better at night.

Click here if you would like to know more about my process.

Here are a few things you can think about:

  • Someone who has been helpful in your life or is very supportive. Think about how they helped you and the benefits you have gained as a result.
  • Go for a walk or look at things through your window. Then think about all the ways that nature sustains life and makes you feel happier and more comfortable. There is beauty all around us that we can be grateful for.

Take a moment every day to look around you. You can find something to be grateful for in your surroundings…even if some days it’s just being able to enjoy a simple cup of coffee in peace.

Remember, contentment comes down to our perspective which we can control. This will help you embrace season your life is in.

If you would like the audio version of this topic, be sure to check out episode 36 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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