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3 Tips to Help Reduce Nighttime Anxiety So You Can Get More Sleep

Life can be really hard when you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep but your mind won’t let you! Even though you may be exhausted from everything you did in just one day, falling asleep might be easy but staying asleep can be difficult. 

Every day has its own anxieties and believe it or not, it’s a proven fact that anxiety actually wakes us up! Just think about it, we have hectic schedules, our workload ebbs and flows, and sometimes we just go through things in our personal lives that increase our anxiety.

Whatever it is that is giving you nighttime anxiety, it can be worked through so you can get a good night’s sleep. So here are three tips which will hopefully help reduce nighttime anxiety.

  1. Establish a nighttime routine that includes a consistent bedtime and time for you to unwind.
  2. Reflect on what you’re grateful for so the anxiety doesn’t take over.
  3. Enjoy the silence if you wake up in the middle of the night.  

Feel free to try one or all of these to help you get a better night’s sleep. No I’m not in any way guaranteeing that these things will work. I’m just sharing what has helped me reduce nighttime anxiety and get a better night’s sleep. And I hope it will help you do the same.

I expand on these three tips in the audio recording and share simple ways you can give them a try.

I know, the struggle is real but I also believe in you! You’ve got this girl! So be sure to tune in today so you can get a better night’s sleep!

Please let me know if you learned something new! Take a screenshot of this episode, post it in Instagram stories and tag me @the_shannonbaker.