
What is a back office assessment?

woman working on tablet at desk

What is a back office assessment? It’s a service that I’ve been offering for several years now.  I’ve talked about it in multiple episodes. So I thought it would be a good idea to focus solely on this service in my offer suite.

Running a business can be overwhelming and exhausting, especially when you’re trying to do it all on your own. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this struggle. As an online entrepreneur, you’re probably juggling a lot of tasks and struggling to keep up with everything. That’s where I come in. I want to help you get organized, streamline your operations, automate your processes, and free up your time to focus on what you do best. I can help you create systems that work for you and your business.

Let’s have a black coffee conversation moment. You can find tons of information on the internet to help you start a business, create a marketing funnel or a content strategy, or even start a podcast. But it’s not as easy to find detailed information to help you run your business. And if you come across someone that promises to give you a blueprint to build your business, I need you to run away from them immediately. 

You are unique. Your business is unique. And your business operations need to take all of that into consideration in addition to being customer focused. And again, I understand that finding information on how to run your business can be challenging. But I want to assure you that I can help you identify areas of your back office operations that need your attention. 

That is why I create the back office assessment which I also refer to as a Solo POWER Assessment. This assessment is a 2 hour recorded call on Zoom. It’s designed to take an in-depth look at each of your business’s key areas. That includes your operations, teams, finance, sales/marketing. The information will help me create your customized action plan to plug the leaks in your current operations.

Why do you even need to have a back office assessment?

You have a lot on your plate as a team of one. You’ve been feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires and struggling to keep your head above water. Things are probably falling through the cracks. And you me be struggling to keep your head above water. That’s why the back office assessment is just what you need. 

I know you want more free time, more money, and growth. But you don’t have the time to create the systems you need and technology may not be your friend. So you need someone to help you with this, an SOS button. Someone that will help you identify what you need. An expert to help you get the right systems in place. And help you learn how to use those systems to make your life easier. 

As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of running your business. And when that happens you lose sight of the big picture. Not to mention, when you’re working without a strategy and clarity, you get easily distracted. So you end up doing too many things at one time.

This happened to Jodi. It’s part of the reason she was ready to throw in the towel in her business. She has gone from frustrated and overwhelmed to focused and now she is doing great things in her business. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You can hear it directly from Jodi. I had her on the podcast to share where she was before the assessment. We also talked about what she expected when she booked her assessment and what has been going on in her business since we started implementing her custom action plan. Click here to listen to that episode online or read it here.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage your business like Jodi was, then you need a business assessment. It can help identify areas for improvement and the action plan is a roadmap for success. By analyzing your current systems and workflows, we can pinpoint inefficiencies and streamline your processes to increase productivity and profitability. 

Additionally, the assessment helps identify any roadblocks or obstacles that may be holding you back from achieving your goals. By working with me, you’ll have a personalized plan to take your business to the next level. You will be equipped to achieve the success you’ve been dreaming of.

Who is a back office assessment for?

A back office assessment can be a valuable tool for businesses that have been operating for at least one year and have a solid business concept. By identifying areas of improvement, the assessment can provide insights that empower you to make informed decisions about where to invest your time and resources.

However, starting a business comes with uncertainties. I highly recommend you know what you are selling, who you are selling it to and how you are selling it before investing in larger, scalable systems. Now it is essential to create basic systems like a customer care system right away. But it can be very simple, as simple as a spreadsheet honestly. I talk about this in detail in another episode. Customer care is a process every small business owner needs. It’s part of a communication system. Click here to learn more about that.

Part of that system is internal communication with your “Dream Team” as well. And guess what? You should not start outsourcing until you have your basic systems in place and your processes documented. And again, a back office assessment is going to identify the areas that need your attention first if your goal is to maybe hire a virtual assistant and it not be a total disaster.

Now I will be up front and let you know investing in a back office assessment requires a significant investment. It is not just a financial investment, but it requires a commitment from you implement the recommendations provided in the action plan if you want to get results.

So in a nutshell, if you are ready to take your operations to the next level, book your assessment today at theshannonbaker.com/assessment. It can help identify areas of improvement and assist in developing scalable systems for long-term success. It requires vulnerability, courage, and self-awareness to confront areas of weakness and make informed decisions. With a back office assessment, you can take proactive steps to position yourself for long-term success.

What happens during a back office assessment?

Let me tell you about the entire booking process. When you click the link to book your assessment, you will be able to pick a day and time that works for both of us. That’s the beauty of having a scheduling system in place, it’s all automated. I recently did an episode talking about the importance of an online scheduling system, the benefits of using one and I shared some basic information of how to use it. Click here to check that out.

Once you pick when you want to have your assessment completed, you will be taken to the intake form which gathers some data for me to review before your assessment. It will as for your contact information of course as well as answers to a series of questions to give me a better picture of how your business operates as a whole. Some of the questions are:

* How did you find me?

* When did you start your business and what phase are you in which is a multiple choice question

* Why did you start your business? 

* How is your business supposed to serve your lifestyle now? 

* What is your business supposed to do for you in the long game? (Your Legacy) 

* What is your biggest challenge/frustration right now in your business? 

* How much time do you spend on administrative tasks? 

* If you outsource any tasks, please provide the details regarding what role(s) someone plays on your team. 

* What are your current offers in your business? 

* What prompted you to reach out to me for assistance at this point? 

Once you complete the intake form you enter your information to make a payment and book your call. You will then receive a confirmation email and a separate email to help you prepare for the assessment. It’s a short laundry list related to goal setting that we actually use during the back office assessment. Now in the confirmation email you receive from my online scheduler, there will be a button for you to add the assessment to your calendar. Please make sure you do that right away.

Then the day before your assessment you will receive a reminder email from my online scheduler. Now I understand things happen and you may need to change the assessment. Inside the reminder email is a button that will allow you to reschedule your assessment if you need to.

Now the day of your assessment we connect on Zoom and we’ll start by talking a bit about the history of your business, why you started your business and what is preventing your business from supporting that. We will also discuss your current processes for all of the operational areas of your business, what’s working, and what’s not. We’ll identify gaps and areas for improvement, which will be summarized in your custom action plan. Based on our discussion, you may have a few things I need you to do right after your assessment. But You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of your business operations and a plan to make Improvements.

During this recorded 2-hour deep dive via Zoom, we’ll talk about what needs to change so that your business can support your why. We’ll identify what’s working and what isn’t, and I’ll create a customized action plan that can be implemented to plug the leaks in your current operations. By the end of the call you’ll feel relieved because you’ll have a better picture of your business operations.

In 5-7 business after the call, you will get an email from me that contains the link to a folder where the recording of our chat is located as well as your custom action plan which is based on the things we discussed during your assessment. As you review the action plan:

* You will get clarity on where your business is currently at. 

* You will have a clear roadmap to reach your goals.

* I give customized recommendations to streamline and optimize your workflows

* I also provide a detailed action list that identifies your priorities when implementing the action plan

That email will also include a link for you to schedule a 60 minute review call with me. During that call we reconnect on Zoom to go through the action plan together and you can ask any questions you may have. We also discuss the next steps and the ways I can work with you to get the plan implemented.

I offer a range of services to suit your needs, from VIP Days for those who need a fast-track system creation to a longer 3-6 month project implementation for those who want a more comprehensive overhaul. And for those who want to self-implement, I created The MY-T Society Membership, a private space free from distractions where you get access to the resources you need to implement your plan including roadmaps and workflows. You can also learn from me during live masterclasses, get personalized feedback, and you get access to exclusive deals.

But I know that investing in support can be a big decision. That’s why I want to address some common objections so you can make a decision with confidence.

“My business is not ready for assessment because I don’t have everything in place.”

I want you to know that I’ve worked with clients who have had similar issues and concerns, and I’ve helped them overcome those obstacles. Don’t let fear or perfectionism hold you back from achieving your goals. There is no such thing as the perfect system. But having systems in place will allow you to be more efficient and productive, which will ultimately save you time and reduce stress.

Now I do have a disclaimer for you. The assessment and implementation process is not a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Over time the initial systems created after the assessment have to be reviewed and refined because your business changes.  That’s another reason you don’t have to get everything perfect right away.

And hello, I’m here to support you throughout the process. I will be there to guide you through the process if you self-implement or I will do the heavy lifting for you. Either way, I will be available to answer any questions you have. 

“I don’t have the budget for this.”

The back office assessment will actually help you save money in the long run. It’s going to help you identify areas you streamline in your operations, cut unnecessary expenses, and increase your revenue. This, in turn, will lead to a better return on investment and more financial stability for your business. The assessment is an investment in their business and the benefits will far outweigh the initial cost because you won’t have to figure this out on your own.

“I don’t have the time for this.”

I know that you’re busy. But are you productive because there is a difference. The back office assessment is the first step in you creating a business that runs like a well-oiled machine. So it’s going to save you time because you won’t have to spend time figuring out what systems you need right now. And I can save you even more time if I implement the plan and do the heavy lifting for you. And think about the long-term benefits of investing the time now to improve your systems. Ultimately it can lead to you having more time freedom in the future.

“I’m not ready to make a commitment.”

To grow your business you have to improve your systems. And this requires you to commit to the process if you want to achieve long-term success in your business. Here’s the thing, making a commitment to improving their systems doesn’t necessarily mean you have to make a long-term commitment to work with me. 

The assessment helps you identify areas for improvement and the action plan you receive can implement on your own. By taking action and making improvements in your business, you will feel more confident in your ability to manage your workflows. If you’re still on the fence, there are tons of episodes of this show that are available for you that provide valuable tips and strategies for improving your systems, without any obligation to me.

“I’m not comfortable with technology.”

That’s nothing to be ashamed of! If you choose to work 1:1 with me to implement your action plan, you receive a training call to make sure you are comfortable using your new systems as well as training videos that are yours to keep. And after 30 days you get a systems check-in call with me and there are additional support options available to make sure you keep your systems up to date. 

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start making progress! Let’s work together to create a more efficient, effective, and enjoyable business. If you’re ready to streamline your business operations and get your life back, go to theshannonbaker.com/assessment and book your assessment today. 

Now I purposely didn’t go into detail about the implementation options once you receive the action plan. Join me back here next week to hear all about those options.

Now if you still have questions you need answered, please DM me on Instagram @the_shannonbaker or send me an email so we can get them answered and get your assessment booked today. There is still time to get some major systems in place before summer that you can take time off and not have to worry about missing anything in your business while you’re away.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 117 – How to Calm the Chaos In Your Back Office with Jodi Silverman

Episode 125 – How an Online Scheduler Will Help You Manage Your Time

Episode 126 – How to Provide the Best Customer Experience Inside and Outside of Your Small Business

Book Your Back Office Assessment

Let’s connect online 

Connect With Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker


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