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How to Prioritize Tasks to Reach Your Goals

When you run a business there are so many distractions that can make it hard for us to prioritize tasks. No to mention, they keep us from reaching our goals.  We also wear a lot of different hats! So you probably have a never ending to-do list and you wonder what you should wait to do and what you should do right now. 

More than likely you are jumping from one idea to another or one task to another.  So now you have a bunch of half finished tasks and half done projects. It’s no wonder that you end up overwhelmed and feeling like you’re not making any progress. So today we’re going to talk about prioritizing tasks so that you can reach your goals.

Before I dive into today’s episode I want to let you know that the process I am going to take you through today is part of the content I’m sharing in my first workshop of the year. On Tuesday, January 17th I’m hosting an interactive workshop for small business owners who want to get organized, take control of their time and achieve sustainable growth. I’ll share more about the workshop later. But a link for you to join me is in the show notes.

I know you have a lot going on every day. You have client work, you’re posting on social media which means creating content, reading and responding to emails, creating graphics, … and the list goes on. So many things to do and remember. 

And because it’s the beginning of a new year, everyone is talking about setting goals and creating vision boards. While both are good ideas, they don’t matter if you don’t stay focused and execute a strategic plan so you can actually achieve the goals you pick.

There are only 24 hours in a day! How you spend them can mean the difference between spinning your wheels and going nowhere in your business or increasing your income this year. In order for that to happen you need to take control of your schedule for starters. 

But right now you’re operating in chaos because you haven’t carved out the time to get organized and get your systems in place. More than likely you’re a one-woman show and that’s ok. I am too!


You feel scattered and overwhelmed because you’re disorganized. You either have no filing system in place or the one you created has so many folders in it that you can’t find anything. So you end up recreating documents and have 2 or more copies when all is said and done. And your inbox is probably out of control. No filters in place; too many newsletters you don’t read. Am I right? I’ve been there. Speaking of your inbox…

It’s probably filled with a bunch of freebies, webinars and unfinished courses you purchased because you felt they were great Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals.

Did you know that 90% of people who buy an online course don’t finish it?

That’s why I’ve never created one. I admit I’m one of those people. Most of the courses I’ve enrolled in are maybe 25% complete. One or two may be at 50%. 

I could go on and on about distractions, especially when it comes to social media. But that’s not what this episode is about. So let’s shift the conversation and talk about being more intentional with your time. Really that is the key to getting things done to reach your goals. 

I know you’ve heard the saying if you fail to plan you plan to fail. When you don’t plan out your week you’re in reactive mode and you’re not in control of your time. It’s like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. So you will be busy doing a lot of stuff that won’t help you get closer to reaching your goals but you won’t be productive. 

So before you say you don’t have time to plan, let me tell you that you can’t afford not to. When you make time to plan your week and then plan out your days, you actually get more done and have more time. Not to mention you know what you spent your time on! 
I’ve talked about being intentional on the podcast before, but it means you’re taking calculated steps. It’s a very strategic approach that works. Now there are three questions you need to answer to help you set your goals and stay focused on them.

Why did you start your business?

You’re building a business that supports your lifestyle and gives you lifestyle freedom. So the goals you set and the steps you take to reach those goals should allow you to be present every day. The answer to this question basically is your mission and defines your values, fundamental goals and reveals what your business does, who you do it for, how you do it, and the results you help others achieve. It also shapes the decisions you make in your business every day. It boils down to whether the choice you’re making helps you achieve your mission.

Take Starbucks for example. If you’re new to the podcast, Starbucks is one of my favorite coffee spots. Their mission statement is, “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” I feel they achieve their mission and the best part is that they offer seasonal ways to make it happen. After all, they kicked off the whole pumpkin spice craze and easily moved right into the winter drinks. 

So knowing your why helps you communicate what you stand for and focusing on that helps you make decisions that align with that. And that information is key to you answering the second question.

How is this business supposed to serve you and your family now?

When you’re picking your goals for your business, your plan has to account for everything going on in your life. And I’ve talked about goal setting on the podcast before, but I set goals based on 90 day intervals and I have my clients do the same. I suggest you do it this way as well. After all, almost everything we do in business is based on 90 day increments.

I’ve found that this approach makes achieving your goal more manageable. And it definitely makes it easier for you to create a plan that you can actually stick to. Focusing on a smaller window of time also makes it easier for you to make adjustments when things aren’t going as planned. Let’s be real, no matter how good a plan is, life happens and you have to shift something. But making a shift doesn’t mean you’re starting over. You may just have to reduce the plan and keep working on it. But you can keep building on the momentum you have and continue to prioritize tasks to reach your goals.

What is this business supposed to do for you in the long game?

The answer to this question is your vision statement because it helps you prepare for tomorrow. What does your business look like in 3, 5, 10 years? What kind of successes do you have? In essence, the answer to this question is the legacy you want to build.

The plan will change a little every year but the ultimate legacy you are building DOES NOT CHANGE

Answer another question for me. If money was no object and you could buy any vehicle that you wanted with every feature you could think of, what would you get? I would love a teal Ford Explorer with air conditioned seats, a heated steering wheel and with a whole lot of other bells and whistles. What about you?

I just started doing this exercise during back office assessments because it’s a great visual aid. 

Your business is the vehicle that you use to build your legacy. That’s the long game. The choices you make daily, the way you prioritize tasks, that’s how you drive that vehicle and determines how you live your legacy. 

Now I want you to know that you cannot skip answering these questions. The answers are key to you determining what systems you need to create in your business. You can pick the right goal and create the best plan, if you do not have systems you will not be able to stick to your priorities.

Systems are the foundation of a strong and successful small business. They are also the doorway to the time and mental freedom you need to prioritize tasks to reach your goals.

So let’s review what we’ve talked about today.  I want you to pick one goal to focus on for 90 days. To do that you need to take time to answer the three questions, 

Why did you start your business? 

How is this business supposed to serve you and your family now? 

What is this business supposed to do for you in the long game? 

Your mission and your vision is key to you picking the right goal and creating a strategic plan. And you need a strategic plan to help you look beyond the immediate moment and take the right steps to build your legacy. All of it comes together to help you stay focused on the right tasks.

The steps I shared with you today are part of the framework that I’ve used to help not only myself but multiple small business owners create a business that supports their lifestyle. In my audio training I walk you through the process to help you pick the right goal, make a plan that doesn’t overwhelm you and how to take small steps to implement that plan to grow your business.

You can consume the training in about 40 minutes. But I don’t recommend you do that because there are some activities you have to complete to get the most out of the training episodes. I’m going to put a link to that training in the show notes. 

And if you would rather work along with me live to go through these steps, then I would love for you to join me on Tuesday, January 17th at 12pm EST for a free one hour interactive workshop. You will get clear on your mission + vision, pick a goal that fits the season of your life and learn how to take small steps to build a strong business foundation with scalable systems.


You’ll be all set to step into your POWER as the SheEO of your business in 2023 and create success on your own terms. Go to to grab your spot. I hope to see you there! 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sign up for the How to SPARC Growth in Your Small Business in 2023 workshop

Grab my Audio Training How to Grow Your Business Without Being Overwhelmed

Let’s connect online! 

Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker