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5 Tips to Help You Build a Side Gig in Mini Sprints

So you’re trying to build a side gig while working a day job? I know that this is your heart’s desire but it is not sunshine and rainbows.

It can be hard to do all the things, find the time to work on your side gig and not feel overwhelmed. But you can do it with some simple adjustments to your mindset and your approach. Try taking smaller steps!

One thing you must accept is you’re going to be busy and that’s not going to change. But if you don’t carve out some time for your side gig, it will end up taking the backseat. That means it will never grow to support your lifestyle which is what you really want right?! 

We only get 24 hours every day. So we really need to focus more on self-management than time management.

One very effective strategy is working on your side side gig in mini sprints! I call them the mom cracks of time. Arrange your schedule so you can consistently work on your side gig in 15 minute increments. Do this throughout the week and during any other small pockets that open up through the day.

If you are intentional and focused, you can accomplish a TON in a short amount of time.

How can you do this? Keep reading for the details.

Tips to Build a Side Gig in Smaller Increments

Tip #1 – Get Organized

You have to decide what your priorities are. If you’re clear on your priorities, you won’t waste time on people or things that distract you. 

Stop thinking of your limited schedule as an excuse. Think of it as something that helps you  be more productive and actually get more done. Look at your schedule and identify smaller pockets of time when you can work on tasks for your business.

After identifying your priorities, you need to plan your schedule. I am a huge fan of time blocking. You limit the number of tasks you work on and determine how long it will take to complete it.

Go back and listen to episode 4 where I share a simple process to help you time block your schedule.

Tip #2 – Know your best time of the day

You have to figure out the time of the day when your mental capacity is at its peak. Then complete your most important work during that time. I work best in the morning. So I block time at the beginning of my day for any creative tasks that I have to do like selecting and outlining podcast topics or writing social media content. 

While I adjust my schedule based on the season of my life, I like to get up early to complete my morning routine. Then I spend 15 minutes or so on a creative task before starting my work day. 

The results, I can get those necessary tasks done that will grow my side business but in less time.

Tip #3 – Use Wait Times

Mobile ordering has reduced the wait time for many things. I always order my coffee from Starbucks in advance and even many of the restaurants we eat at. However, there are still other places we end up standing in line. You still have to wait at the grocery store or for your order to be brought out and placed in your vehicle.

Use that time to catch up on quick tasks. You can respond to messages, comment on a few social media posts. Maybe even send a quick hello message to a new contact, listen to a quick podcast episode.

This will free up a few hours every week for you to work on your side gig. Take a few minutes to create a list of some tasks you can complete in 15 minutes or less.

Tip #4 – Get Comfortable with the Word “No”

“No” is a complete sentence. Saying yes to something outside of your boundaries, means you’re saying no to something your boundaries are supposed to protect. So that means that one, you have to set boundaries with yourself, with your family and for your business.

Be sure to check out episode 5 for more information on this subject. I go into more details about some things you can do to carve out more time for yourself. This is very important right now because you are with your family now more than ever! 

Tip #5 – Find a support community online

You cannot thrive if you do not have a group of like-minded women you can turn to. You need to be able to talk to about your business ideas with someone. You also need support to help you deal with the struggles on this journey.

Find one where you can connect with like-minded people. Be intentional about how much time you spend in them. Focus on forming connections with people you can bounce ideas off of and get inspiration from.

We all crave a supportive community! We don’t necessarily have a husband with an entrepreneurial mind that we can bounce ideas off of. I know I don’t! So I brainstorm with the ladies inside of my Facebook community, The More Than Capable Mompreneur Group. I also bounce ideas off of them which helps me get clarity.

It’s a safe space for all of us to vent and get support! Click here if you would like to join us!

I know that working a day job and building a side gig may feel challenging sometimes. That’s why you need to remember you’re working toward a bigger goal. Always remember your why!

With these tips, you can have it all — a successful side gig, a fulfilling day job and a happy family life.

I expand on these five tips in episode 33 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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Links Mentioned In This Episode

Episode 4: How to Time Block Your Schedule to Boost Productivity

Episode 5: 4 Self-care Hacks for the Tired and Burnt Out Mom

Join the More Than Capable Mompreneur FB CommunityIf you would like to connect with me and other mompreneurs that can support you and help you deal with real life as a busy mompreneur, join my FREE Facebook community! We collaborate with each other, learn from each other and cheer each other on in life and in our business! 

Connect With Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker