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How to Maximize the Summer Slowdown So You Can Successfully Scale Your Business

The summer slowdown is a common season for all entrepreneurs. But instead of unplugging and losing momentum in your business (which you will regret in the fall) make the most of it!

I know, it’s hard to stay focused on your business in the summertime! The kids are out of school, pools are open, you want to feel your toes in the sand at the beach, you have vacations planned and the list goes on and on right?

Many of the women in your community are either on vacation or getting ready for vacation. So you figure you should just kick back and take a break. Now while this is a natural season all of us experience, I don’t want you to fully unplug and lose momentum in your business.

Instead, I want you to take a good look at your business operations. With your clients taking time off, you don’t have to stress so much about being in the day-to-day operations of your business. Instead, you need to shift to take a look at the big picture and get your business ready for it.

Here are three things you can do to maximize the summer slowdown so you’re equipped to keep the pace when everyone else returns to the office. 

Do a Mid-Year Review 

At the end of June, we are halfway through the year. Are you on track so far this year? You may not have had the time to really check because you were busy. So do it now! And it doesn’t have to take that long! 

Schedule 30 minutes to answer the following questions:

  • What is working for you so far this year?
  • What’s not working?
  • Which services or products are selling well?
  • What marketing strategies got you results?
  • What did you try that just totally failed?
  • Are you on track to reach your revenue goals?
  • What can you focus on to get better results?

The answers to this question will help you decide what you need to focus on the rest of the year. Then you can create a simple plan to make it happen. 

Audit Your Back Office

You need to have the right back office systems in place to save you time and energy. When you’re a one woman show, systems are the key to working efficiently but not having to do every little thing yourself. 

One of the things you can do during the summer slowdown is a systems audit and a systems review. That way you can make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be, and is working in a way that benefits your business. 

There are six core systems you need to have in place. The three you definitely need to implement and/or update are your filing system, your scheduling system and your communications system. Click here for more detailed information on these systems. 

Take action and audit your back office! Grab a copy of my DIY Back Office Assessment.  The worksheets will help you identify the gaps in your current business operations that are preventing you from reaching your goals and you can complete it in 15 minutes or less. You also get a 15 minute call with me to discuss your results and map out a quick action plan and it’s just $27.

Give Social Media Some Attention

Social media marketing takes a lot of time and effort. More than likely, you don’t have a lot of time to really build your community online. So focus on that this summer! You can do this in small increments (10 minutes at a time) so you don’t get overwhelmed or sucked into the rabbit hole. You don’t need to be active on every platform that exists. Show up where your audience hangs out. ANd make sure you leave meaningful comments on posts and in Instagram stories. Focus on having conversations!

Now when it comes to your social media profiles, are they up to date? Now is a great time to do a little tidying up. Here are a few things you can give attention to.

#1 – Make sure your profiles match including the photo you use.  People should be able to identify you by your photo. Make sure it is a pretty current is a professional photo that reflects your brand accurately. Also make sure your messaging matches in all of your bios. Otherwise you appear to be a little confused about what you do and that can be costly. Make wise use of your bio by telling people who you help and how. And make sure your links work and include a call to action so they now why they should click the link.

# 2 – Create a strategy for your content that aligns with your goals and is useful for your target audience. That means you need to invest some time in defining your audience and creating content with value and not fluff. Remember to serve first, solve their problems with your content. INspire them and help them get to know you better. The sales will come on their own!

If you want help using Instagram to grow your business, check out the blog post How to Use IG Effectively as a Busy Mompreneur.

And if you would like help updating your personal brand, check out the blog post A Logo Is Not a Personal Brand. Build One With These 5 C’s.

So now I hope you’re ready to get some things done during the summer slowdown! You’ll thank me later if you do!

If you would like to hear the audio version of this episode, be sure to check out episode 66 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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