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The Hidden Pitfalls of Hiring a VA Without Business Systems

Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) might seem like the perfect solution to all your business woes, but without solid systems in place, it can lead to more chaos and inefficiency. In my latest podcast episode, I’m diving deep into why establishing strong business infrastructure is crucial before bringing a VA on board. This episode is packed with insights, especially for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses sustainably.

Let’s start by addressing a common misconception: the belief that a VA can magically fix disorganized business operations. Drawing from my own experience as a former VA turned business operations strategist, I emphasize that hiring a VA without having solid systems is like building a house without a blueprint. Just as construction workers need plans to build a dream home, a VA requires a structured environment to function effectively.

One of the main takeaways from this episode is the importance of having robust business systems. Systems ensure that tasks are completed consistently, efficiently, and effectively. Without them, even the best VA will struggle to manage your operations, leading to missed opportunities and wasted resources. Systems are the backbone of any successful business, and they are non-negotiable for achieving sustainable growth.

I share my personal journey from an overwhelmed VA to a business operations strategist. Managing everything on my own led to burnout and missed family moments. It wasn’t until I implemented strong systems in my business that I saw a real transformation. These systems allowed me to delegate tasks effectively, freeing up my time to focus on revenue-generating activities. This shift not only improved my productivity but also helped me achieve a better work-life balance.

Email and calendar management are highlighted as critical components of a streamlined business operation. A VA can declutter your inbox by unsubscribing you from unnecessary email lists, filtering messages, and ensuring you don’t miss critical communications. Additionally, having an online scheduler for efficient calendar management is essential. A VA can handle scheduling conflicts, saving you time and enhancing your professionalism.

I also introduce the BizOps checklist, a valuable resource for evaluating and streamlining back-office systems. This checklist is designed to help entrepreneurs assess their current systems and identify areas for improvement. By using this checklist, business owners can create a solid foundation that supports efficient delegation and sustainable growth.

Another crucial point discussed is the emotional and physical toll of trying to handle everything on your own. Many business owners believe that they must manage all tasks themselves to ensure they are done right. However, this mindset leads to long hours, missed personal moments, and a constant state of exhaustion. Delegating tasks is not just about offloading work; it’s about creating a sustainable workflow that supports your business growth and stability.

For those who feel overwhelmed by the idea of building systems, I offer practical advice. Start small by documenting your processes and identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Once you have these processes in place, you can begin to build systems that automate routine tasks and streamline operations. This approach not only improves efficiency but also empowers your team to take ownership of their roles, fostering a positive company culture.

This episode is a must-listen for any entrepreneur looking to scale their business sustainably. I provide actionable insights and strategies that can transform chaotic operations into well-oiled machines. By focusing on building strong systems, business owners can achieve a level of efficiency that allows them to delegate confidently and focus on what truly matters: growing their business and enjoying life’s precious moments.

In conclusion, hiring a Virtual Assistant is not a magic fix for business chaos. It requires a strong foundation of solid systems to ensure effective delegation and sustainable growth. This episode offers a wealth of knowledge on how to build this foundation, drawing from my own experiences and expertise. Whether you’re a solopreneur or an established business owner, this episode will equip you with the tools and strategies needed to streamline your operations and achieve long-term success.

So, if you’re ready to transform your business systems and take the first step toward a smoother, more efficient operation, tune in to my latest podcast episode. Your future self will thank you!

If you would like to hear the expanded version check out the podcast episode below.

1:44 Debunking some common myths about hiring a VA

5:14 Why it’s important to create your systems before hiring a VA

9:28 Common challenges business owners encounter when delegating

14:27 How you’re hurting your business when you don’t delegate

20:51 How delegating is actually a form of self-care

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but hiring a virtual assistant is not going to solve the chaos and confusion your back office is causing. As a former VA who turned into a business operations strategist, I've seen firsthand how important it is to have solid systems in place before bringing a VA into the mix. That’s why today, I’m going to talk about some of the common misconceptions that might be blocking your business growth.

By the end of this episode, you'll understand why building a strong foundation in your business is the secret sauce to sustainable growth and you will know how to start building that foundation for yourself. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this.

One of the biggest myths we’ve all heard as business owners is “If you build it, they will come.” We learn that’s a lie in like business 101 right?

Well that’s not the only myth we’re sold as business owners. There are hundreds of them out there about why you need to hire a VA, when to hire them and what to hire them for. I could talk about this for hours but I’m not going to do that. I will address a few of them that are my pet peeves.

“I don’t really need to have systems in place, I just need to hire a VA.” I can’t tell you how many times I hear those words, and every time, I cringe. The internet and too many self-proclaimed gurus give bad advice like you can work a four-hour week and earn six figures if you just outsource all the things you don't want to do. But my friend, they didn’t tell you about the strong business infrastructure you need to make this happen.
Having a VA without systems is like trying to build a house without a blueprint. Imagine hiring construction workers and telling them to build your dream home without providing them with any plans. Chaos, right? The same applies to your business. Without solid systems in place, even the best VA can’t save you from disorganization and inefficiency. Systems are the backbone of your business operations. They ensure that tasks are completed consistently, efficiently, and effectively. Without them, you’re just adding to the chaos rather than solving it.

Another myth related to this is that you can hire a VA to complete all the things you don't like to do as a business owner. Sure, you can delegate tasks you dislike, but it’s not that simple. Delegation is an art, and without proper systems and guidelines, you’re setting your VA—and yourself—up for failure.I’ve talked about this very topic on the podcast before.
Let me break this down for you. As a business owner, your primary focus should be to have the time and mental space you need to complete the tasks that directly generate revenue and drive growth. These are things like creating and executing your strategy, building relationships with your clients, building your network and closing sales. These tasks require your unique vision, expertise, and personal touch—things that a VA simply cannot replicate.

Most people don’t like sales calls, I know I don’t. But you have to make them because you need sales to generate revenue. So if you hire a VA, or build a sales team too soon, you tell them to take over. But what happens when they lack the depth of knowledge that you have about your product or service? You would set them up for failure and missing out on revenue opportunities.

When you have systems in place, you can delegate administrative and operational tasks that can’t be automated to free up your time. This gives you the space you need to focus on the tasks activities that only you can do. Your VA can handle customer service inquiries, keep your operations running smoothly by updating your existing processes as needed, while you concentrate on growing your business and generating revenue.

I think I’ve said enough at this point to get you to understand why you need business systems before hiring a VA. It's not just about offloading tasks—it's about building a solid foundation that supports sustainable growth and frees you up to focus on what truly matters.

Imagine a business where everything runs smoothly, where you can delegate confidently, knowing your systems stabilize your business and support your team. That's the goal we're working towards from this episode forward.

I feel very strongly about this subject not just because I started off as a VA. When I first started my business, I was working full-time and handling all the tasks myself. I believed that if I wanted it done right, I had to do it myself. This led to long hours, missed family moments, and a constant state of exhaustion. It wasn’t until I implemented strong systems that I saw a real transformation and that was years later. After I had clarity in my business and the basic systems, delegating became a possibility that brought relief rather than a burden. Yes, I tried to delegate several times before my business was ready and failed miserably. But that’s a story for another episode.
In last week's episode, we discussed the importance of evaluating and improving your business systems to ensure sustainable growth and how having streamlined systems can help you focus on what's important. Not to mention systems will keep your operations running smoothly. So, if you missed that episode, I highly recommend you go back and listen to it because understanding how to build a solid foundation in your business is crucial before moving on to the next step—building a team and effectively outsourcing.

Despite popular and wrong belief, a VA can’t create the structure your business needs. They thrive when they can work within the structure or systems you’ve already established. Systems aren’t just about organization—they’re about creating a sustainable workflow that supports your business growth and stability.
Once you have this foundation in place, hiring a VA will actually amplify your efforts rather than creating more work for you. Not to mention, you won’t waste resources because you will know exactly where to use them, which is any place where the steps can’t be automated.
Many entrepreneurs believe that hiring a VA will magically solve their organizational challenges. However, without streamlined systems in place, a VA can only do so much. Systems are the backbone of any efficient and scalable business. They ensure consistency, improve productivity, and make it easier to delegate tasks effectively.
Once you have built a strong foundation, you can start to think about building on that. If you don't pause and consider ways to work smarter, you will burn out. And that is where outsourcing comes in. But it is a strategic move, and in addition to getting your business ready, you have to get yourself ready mentally. So let’s talk about some common challenges I’ve seen business owners make. And I’ve seen people make this mistake when starting out and even among experienced SheEOs.
All of us have to pretty much do everything ourselves when we start out for a number of reasons. Having to work this way because you haven't generated the revenue you need to invest in some automation tools or even in people is common. I’ve been there myself!
There is nothing wrong with bootstrapping in your business. I did it for years. My goal when growing my business was to make sure it was self-sustaining. So that meant using the free version of a lot of things and paying for things I really needed. And as my revenue grew, I was able to upgrade my tech stack and build out my processes for more automated efficiency.
So if that is where you are on your journey, it’s ok. You can still build out systems, especially those related to customer service and customer care. The experience you provide can make or break your business because it has a direct impact on your brand. And I’m not referring to your logo. I’m talking about how people feel when they hear your name or the name of your business. It also includes what they say about you when you're not in the room.
The next part of my message is for the business owner who feels they have to do everything themselves in order for it to be done right. I’ve been here too! That’s why I say I’m a perfectionist in recovery. This sounds like the best way to operate but this mindset often leads to burnout, missed experiences in life, sleepless nights, and a sense of being overwhelmed.
When you try to control every aspect of your business, it’s easy to get caught in hustle mode. You start working longer hours, often late into the night, trying to keep up with everything. You’re exhausted, and your productivity drops, making it even harder to stay on top of things so things start falling through the cracks.
Beyond the physical and mental exhaustion, there’s the emotional toll. When you’re working more than you’re living, you miss out on important once-in-a-lifetime events—dinners with family, your child’s games or performances, or you simply miss out on quality time with your loved ones. Then you’re burdened down with guilt and regret, which adds to your stress levels.
I previously mentiones I was working a full-time job when I started my business. At that time I was juggling way too many tasks which meant I worked long hours. So after working all day, I would cook dinner or pick up dinner, help my daughter with her homework and spend at least two hours on business tasks. While I didn’t sacrifice sleep, I sacrificed quality time with my family. I would be physically present but more often than not, I was on my cell phone or my laptop working. I thought I was being efficient, but in reality, I was spreading myself too thin. And my family paid the price for it!
The truth is, holding on to every task prevents you from focusing on what truly matters—growing your business and spending time with your loved ones. By not delegating, you’re stuck in the weeds, handling tasks that others could manage just as well, if not better.
Here’s what happens when you start to let go of control and delegate effectively:
Increased Productivity: By delegating routine tasks that can’t be automated, you free up time to focus on more high-level strategic decisions that move your business forward.
Better Work-Life Integration: Delegating allows you to reclaim time in your busy schedule and use it to focus on your priorities, reduces stress and definitely improves your overall well-being.
Empowered Team: Trusting your team with important tasks not only lightens your load but also empowers them to take ownership which improves your company culture and your business will thrive because of it.
Business Growth: When you have more time to focus on strategy and innovation, your business can grow more sustainably and efficiently.
Now let’s talk about how you can get used to delegating without having a panic attack. Small steps matter! Start small, like letting a VA handle email management, and over time you let go of more tasks as trust is built. Having a VA by your side is like having a reliable partner. The right one will make sure important tasks are handled efficiently and critical messages are never missed.
Let’s talk about why email management is a great place to start. If you’re like most business owners, your inbox is probably overflowing with messages, many of which are junk. Sorting through these emails to find the important ones can be incredibly time-consuming. A VA can unsubscribe you from unnecessary email lists, filter your inbox, so that only the critical messages are brought to your attention. This not only saves you time but also ensures you don’t miss important communications from clients, partners, or anyone else.
Calendar management is another area where a VA can be invaluable. But I’m not talking about having someone play volleyball to get meetings scheduled. No matter what, you should have an online scheduler in place; it is part of one of the six core business systems that I’ve talked about on the podcast before. I’ll put a link to that episode in the show notes, But even when you have a scheduling system, things happen.
For example, you get an email message that someone wants to meet to discuss your services after meeting you at an event, or they were referred to you. So you or your VA sends your standard reply, which contains the link to your calendar to schedule a call. The link is connected to your calendar and shows your availability in real-time. But they email you back and say they can’t find a day and time that works for them and they are going on vacation in two weeks and really want to speak with you before then. Well, on this occasion, your VA can handle this scheduling conflict, and get the meeting on your calendar. If they need to move a meeting for you, they will handle that as well. This kind of support is essential for maintaining professionalism and ensuring you can focus on high-level activities.
Let me give you a detailed example of how this works in practice. One of my clients was struggling with scheduling meetings and managing their inbox. They were paying a VA to handle every step of the process manually. This often meant emails were missed or there was a delay in setting up meetings, despite having an online scheduler in place. When their VA resigned with short notice, my client panicked. I saw this as the opportunity to implement a more efficient system.
We automated parts of the scheduling process but still maintained a personal touch. This made setting up meetings much more efficient and saved my client a significant amount of money. Previously, they were paying for 10 hours a week, with 5 hours or more spent on scheduling and rescheduling meetings. By streamlining this one system, they saved $700 per month and increased efficiency. Tasks that were previously handled manually by the VA were reassigned to team members who should have been handling them all along, and new team members were brought on board. This not only saved money but also improved overall customer relations, productivity and morale.
Another reason delegation is important is because it opens up time in your schedule that you can use to practice more self-care. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. And yes, delegation is a part of self-care. It allows you to focus on what you do best while your VA handles the rest. This can prevent burnout and help you maintain a healthy work-life integration. Proper delegation enables you to fill your cup so you can continue to pour into your business and personal life.
Think about it this way: if you’re constantly working late, missing family events, and feeling exhausted, your business will suffer. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Delegating tasks to a VA frees up your time and energy, allowing you to recharge and be a better SheEO. It’s an investment in your well-being and your business’s success.
In a previous episode of the podcast, I talked about the power of self-care in business. In that episode, I shared practical strategies to help you integrate self-care into your daily routine and how doing so can transform your business. One key takeaway from that episode was the idea that self-care isn’t just about bubble baths and relaxation—it's about setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and delegating tasks to focus on your core strengths. I’ll put a link to that in the show notes.
Now let’s talk about how you can start building the six core business systems. The first step to streamlining your back office is evaluating your current back office status. This might not be your area of expertise, and that’s perfectly okay. That’s why I created the Biz Ops Checklist, a valuable resource available inside the MY-T Society membership. And my friend, you can go to the show notes and click the link to grab your free copy today. I made this available to everyone because my mission is to help as many six-figure entrepreneurs like you as I can, clean up the back end of your business and create streamlined systems. By aligning your business with your values, you can take control of your time, scale your business, and create a life that truly supports you without feeling overwhelmed.
Now you may be thinking, well Shannon, I don’t have any systems in place. I am confident that you have more than you realize. But we need to focus on getting them out of your head and into a documented format. So documenting your processes is essential to identify bottlenecks, redundancies, or inefficiencies that are holding you back. So those processes that are stored in your brain, we need to focus on getting them on paper (and I mean in a digital format) and create systems from there which will spark the change necessary for growth.
And this is not a part of the entrepreneurial journey you can skip. If you haven’t reached the breaking point already, you are going to reach it eventually. And because you’re listening to this episode, it lets me know that you have reached a point where you need assistance. It’s a natural part of the evolution we go through as solopreneurs. To avoid burnout, delegation is key. Delegating tasks lightens your workload and allows you the mental space and room in your schedule to focus on the things that drive business growth. However, you have to create solid business systems before delegating.
This is where The MY-T Society membership comes in. As a member, you gain access to a wealth of resources, like the Biz Ops Checklist, that are designed to help you build and refine your business systems. From detailed roadmaps and templates to bite-sized video tutorials, The MY-T Society provides the tools and support you need to create efficient systems that will enable your VA to perform at their best. Plus, you’ll have access to a community of like-minded women who are also working on streamlining their businesses.

To recap today's episode:

Build Strong Systems Before Hiring a VA: Effective delegation and successful outsourcing require a solid business foundation. Without well-defined systems and processes, even the best VA cannot perform optimally or contribute significantly to your business.
The Importance of Delegation for Growth and Well-Being: Delegating routine tasks to a VA can increase productivity, improve work-life balance, empower your team, and foster sustainable business growth. It also allows you to focus on high-level strategic decisions and personal well-being.

Utilize Resources and Community Support: Leveraging resources like the Biz Ops Checklist and joining supportive communities such as The MY-T Society can help you build and refine your business systems. This ensures you are prepared for effective delegation and can operate your business more efficiently.

So if you're ready to transform your business, streamline your operations, and achieve sustainable growth, I invite you to join us inside The MY-T Society. Go to or click the link in the show notes to get started and gain access to all the resources and support you need to start building your business systems so that you can get the most benefit from hiring a VA.

Thank you for tuning in. Remember, it's not about working harder; it's about working smarter. Build your systems, delegate effectively, and create the business—and life—you deserve.

Until next time, keep calm and streamline.

Resources mentioned in this post:

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