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How to Work Smarter in Your Side Gig

Are you juggling a side gig along with your other responsibilities or even while working a day job? I totally understand! I’m a working mom, wife, I spend about 12 hours a week in my ministry and my parents are getting older so sometimes I run errands for them including taking them to doctor’s appointments. 

Needless to say, I have a full plate. So when I talk about being more intentional with your time, I’m speaking from experience. Now I intentionally call my business a side gig and not a side hustle. A side gig is a strategic way to earn extra income. But it is different than a side hustle in my opinion because my goal is to work smarter, not harder. And whether you work your business full-time or not, my goal is to help you run it more efficiently.

That’s why I want to tell you about the art of working smarter in your side gig, helping you make the most of your precious time while avoiding the pitfalls of burnout. Building a sustainable and scalable business is hard to do on any given day. And when you’re working a day job, raising a family and trying to build a business it’s even harder. But I know this is something I really want and I’m guessing you do as well or you wouldn’t be listening to this episode. 

So let’s discuss some ways that you can change your approach so you can actually do it all.

Set Clear Goals for Your Side Gig Success

When you have a side gig, you have to be strategic. You shouldn’t be operating by the seat of your pants. You need to have clear goals that fit the season your life is in.  And I strongly recommend you do this every 90 days and check your progress every week or every month. Once you pick your goal you need to create a detailed plan to reach it. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. 

And you can’t skip over this part of the process. That’s why we cover this every quarter inside of the MY-T Society membership and there are worksheets in the resource center that can be used for the entire process. Feel free to check it out at

Try, Adapt, Succeed: The Mini Experiment Approach

One of the things I love about having a side gig is being able to test out a number of things like a series of mini experiments. You can test your ideas, collect feedback, and then measuring your results. That’s where reviewing your goals every 90 days comes into play. This approach lets you learn and adapt when needed, which helps prevent the dreaded overwhelm that can come with trying to do it all at once.

Take my word for it! I launched three things at once last year and it ended up on burnout row afterwards. Honestly, I’m still trying to recover. But the hard work was needed to restructure my business to support my lifestyle and to grow at a sustainable rate. Click here for the lessons I learned during this process.

Flexibility: Your Secret Weapon for Side Gig Growth

Here’s the beauty of side gigs, well really having your own business is that things are not set in stone. You don’t have to stick with something that isn’t working. Instead, you can adapt based on what you learn along the way. And if it just isn’t working at all, you can abandon whatever it is and move on to something else. This flexibility is your secret weapon for growth and for avoiding overwhelm.

Take it from me, I know. I have been in business for 12 years. I’ve changed the name a few times because I started out as a virtual assistant and the original business name contained the words VA. So when I changed my services, I needed a new name because I was no longer offering that type of support. And over the years, I decided I wanted a brand umbrella so I decided to use my name. And that way I could create additional branches under the one umbrella that didn’t need to change. 

And in case you didn’t know, this podcast went through a total rebrand last year. While my content pillars haven’t changed, my target market has. And honestly, who knows. I guarantee you that something else will change in the future and I’m ok with that. That’s the best part of my owning my own business! I get to make those decisions. And you, my friend, have the same power. So use it! 

But here are a few pitfalls I want you to avoid.

Avoid Overworking and Prioritize Self-Care

If you’re a bit of a workaholic (trust me, I’ve been there too), it’s time to put on the brakes. Your side gig shouldn’t become an endless treadmill of work. There need to be  boundaries so you aren’t working all the time. 

Need help getting your schedule under control? Check out this blog post for practical tips to help you incorporate more self-care into your daily life. And you will find out how organizing your business and creating efficient systems can create more space for self-care.

Limit Passion Projects and Embrace Joy

We all have those passion projects that light us up, right? But not everything needs to generate income. Some passions are meant to stay personal without the pressure of profits.

Streamline Your Efforts

Remember when you first started your business? You had a limited amount of time to work on it. So you planned and used your time wisely. Go back to basics. Set aside a specific amount of time for your business and look for ways to work smarter. Check out this blog post for tips to help you achieve a better work-life balance and get more out of your day by planning in advance.

Think about creating systems that save you time and boost your efficiency. Just dedicating 30 minutes each week to refining your systems can be a game-changer. And guess what? Inside the MY-T Society membership, I’ve provided roadmaps, trainings, templates, and how-to videos to help you.

Speaking of the MY-T Society, when you join, you’re not just getting resources to streamline your business – you’re also gaining access to exclusive perks. Imagine being able to streamline your back office, identifying what’s working and what’s not, and creating a custom action plan for growth. Plus, as a member you will get exclusive access to 30-minute SOS strategy sessions with me – personalized guidance at your fingertips.

And the cherry on top? You can try the MY-T Society for 7 days for FREE! Head to and seize the opportunity today. If you explore and feel it’s not your jam, no worries – you can cancel anytime. 

I don’t require 3 or 6 month minimums like some other memberships. You can cancel at any time by clicking on your profile picture, going to the billing section and canceling your subscription before your card is charged. 

In the grand scheme of things, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your side gig, the key is to focus your efforts, adapt, and stay efficient. Remember, it’s not about doing it all – it’s about doing it smarter.

So, pause for a moment and visualize how you want your side gig to fit into your lifestyle. Don’t forget to invest in yourself, practice self-care daily, and connect to a supportive community. That’s exactly what’s brewing inside the MY-T Society, and guess what? I’m saving a spot for you! Join us so we can support you on this transformative journey.

If you would like to hear the expanded version check out the podcast episode below.

1:30 – Learn the difference between a side hustle and a side gig

3:26 – Learn how important it is to have clear goals

5:22 – Flexibility is your secret weapon

7:20 – A few pitfalls you want to avoid

Resources mentioned in this post:

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