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3 Areas of Your Business Operations That Need Spring Cleaning

Doing a little spring cleaning of your business operations is a great way to make sure things are operating efficiently.

When was the last time you took a close look at your business operations? It’s probably been a while! So there’s no time like NOW to evaluate a few areas in your basic operations and make updates to prepare your business for a more successful year.

So I’m going to share some spring cleaning tips to help you get some of those routine tasks off your plate which will save you time so that you can focus on growing your business.

Spring Clean Your Customer Care Process

What’s the first impression you make based on your customer interaction? If you don’t have a streamlined process, you are probably leaving people feeling confused and/or frustrated. Either way it’s costing you business.

Your customer care provides a glimpse into the inner workings of your business. The number of ideal clients, the number of happy clients and the number of referrals you receive depends on your process. So take a close look at yours to make sure it’s customer focused and creates super fans. 

Click here for three key elements you need to do this. If you would like a template to get your customer care process in place and a few response templates, click here to grab a copy of my free customer care process template. It can be easily customized to fit your business and you can get the basics in place in a short amount of time!

Spring Clean Your Inbox

How many hours do you think you spend in your inbox? You can get back at least 10 hours a week in your schedule by getting your inbox sorted and organized and establishing a schedule for keeping it that way and responding to messages. If you use Gmail, be sure to use the built in features to automate a lot of this process for you. Click here for five hacks that are life changing!

Spring Clean Your Expense Management

Eliminate the tax time scramble and organize your receipts electronically this year. That eliminates the lost receipts, the crumbled receipts and the stack of receipts that pile up in your office. I know your accountant will love you for this and won’t have to hound you for missing receipts. 

  1. Create an admin email address that’s only for electronic receipts, online purchases and monthly subscription notices. Any that come directly to your inbox, forward them to the admin email address.
  2. Take a picture of paper receipts with your phone and either upload them into one folder in DropBox or Google Drive. Or if you use QuickBooks Self-Employed, QuickBooks Online, Xero or any other accounting software with a mobile app, you can capture your expenses on the go.

If you would like more tips to help you manage your money, click here for a four step process that will help you create a bookkeeping system.

Now remember, when you are preoccupied with the tasks it tasks to run your business, you don’t have to look at the bigger picture which helps you grow your business. But when you audit your operations or do some spring cleaning, you see how you can optimize your business operations and become more efficient which saves you time – your most valuable resource.

If you would like to hear the expanded audio version of these tips, be sure to check out episode 52 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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