If you aren’t dating yourself and showing yourself enough love, you probably don’t realize that you are already more than enough. So it’s time for you to spend some time nurturing a better relationship with yourself. This sounds selfish but it isn’t. Because when you do this on a regular basis, you will be equipped to take care of everyone and everything else as well.
The word self-love has become a huge buzz word over the past few years or so. How much time do you REALLY spend showing yourself love? And I’m not talking about booking yourself a mani/pedi, a massage or a spa day. I’m not even talking about pouring yourself a glass of wine, lighting some candles and taking a hot bath.
I find there is a very simple way that each and every one of us can show ourselves more love. It’s by setting and sticking to boundaries. I know you’re always taking care of your family, work, and friends. Boundaries is one simple but most forgotten way you can show yourself more love. That’s what this post is all about! So make sure you pay close attention and start this simple practice in 2022!
One of the most important relationships we often forget to nurture is the one we have with ourselves. If you put too much on your plate you end up doing more harm to yourself than good. So how do you know what you need to say no to?
I shared three steps you can take to set boundaries with your clients, communicate them to your clients, and how to stick to them in this blog post. But I want you to focus on everything in your life, that means your business and your personal life. One impacts the other. Right now things should be slowing down a little. That means you have time to plan your focus for the beginning of 2022.
I want you to pick what you want to focus on for 90 days. Then you’re going to break that down into three months, and create an action plan one month at a time. And then you can determine what your boundaries need to be. But you have to make sure your boundaries are clearly identified because if you say yes to something outside of your boundaries, then you’re saying no to something that your boundaries are supposed to protect.
Here’s an example. If you want to be more present when spending time with your family, you need to put some boundaries in place to protect your time from social media and from email. So say the first month you want to decrease how much time you spend on social media. You want to limit it to 30 minutes a day. So break that into three 10 minute increments. You then check your accounts in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. That’s it for the day! That will eliminate you scrolling through your feed when you should be focused on your family after work. It will also help keep you from being on your phone too close to bedtime which stimulates your brain and is keeping you up at height.
So after you practice that boundary for the first 30 days, you can focus on emails. So instead of having to be chained to your inbox answering emails all times of the day and on the weekend, you create a schedule where you have designated times of the day that you check and respond to emails. And most importantly you don’t send emails after hours and on the weekends. I walk you through how you can do this and stay up on your emails in this post.
I hope you see the pattern I’m setting and you can see that it’s easy to show yourself more love. This is very important because the relationship you need to continually build with yourself requires commitment, time, and effort. And you shouldn’t neglect your relationship with yourself because it affects everything else in your life.
Right now is a great time for you to focus on showing yourself more love because life has slowed down. Showing yourself more love is also the best way to combat the urge to compare yourself to other people. Instead, you are more aware of all of the little and big blessings you have in your life every day. More importantly you become aware of all of the things that make you the wonderful and amazing person that you are.
I started this journey myself last year by writing down something I was grateful for every morning with my cup of coffee. Then I expanded my focus to improving my health. It has been a journey for sure but I love the progress that I have made and I’m not ashamed at how much love I show myself. I talk about my journey in this blog post.
No matter what you decide to focus on, do not forget that little steps matter. Your relationship with yourself is no different than any other relationship in your life. It takes time, attention and effort to show yourself morl love. So give yourself time to build authentic self love, step by step.
You don’t need to do anything more or be anything more than you are right now. You are more than enough just the way you are! I want to know how you feel about this post. Feel free to DM me @the_shannonbaker on Instagram and let me know. I would love to hear from you!
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