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How to Plan For More Success in 2023

Around this time of the year everyone is talking about creating vision boards and goal setting. Both are really good ways to plan your year and you end up with a visual reminder. 

But there are a few other things you need to do to create a reasonable plan so that you can achieve those goals. We can’t control a lot of the things that have an impact on our lives. But we can control our actions and what we spend our resources on. That’s why we need to be very intentional about how we use our time. 

Being intentional means you are choosing to do something on purpose. In order for that to happen you need to have a detailed plan to follow. If you mean something, it’s an intention.

Your goal, your purpose, and your aim is your intention. It’s something you mean to do, whether you pull it off or not.

Being intentional to me represents taking calculated steps. It’s a very strategic approach and it takes time to explore the possibilities and the risks and weigh them against your road map. But it’s definitely worth the effort! 

In June I did some major reflecting as it was the beginning of my last quarter. If you’re new to this podcast a little insight into that, two years ago I decided to make September 1st my January. I’ve had some amazing results since making that change. 

This year I made some very scary decisions to be more intentional than I have ever been before in my life and business. It has been a scary experience but I pushed through the fear and I’m already experiencing growth and success. So I’m even more confident that I will achieve my goals by the end of August 2023.

So I started this process by paying experts to help me refine my brand messaging, create a strategy for my podcast, and create a membership which I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. One thing I was sure of is that while I help my clients create a strategy for their business, I needed someone outside of my sandbox to help me do this for myself. And working with them at the same time helped me see how the pieces of my business fit together for this next phase in my journey. 

And after putting in many hours of hard work, taking action on the combined plan, I’ve launched a new audio freebie. I’ve rebranded and re-launched this podcast, and I am launching my membership in January. 

Now I am going to be very transparent and let you know there are moments when I felt overwhelmed as I looked at the list of things that I needed to do. So I took my own advice and broke it down into three 30 days plans. I put it into Airtable and as I started checking things off, my anxiety went down. It also helped that the amazing women that helped me with the strategies behind the scenes. They have also been my hype girls who have talked me off the ledge multiple times. I appreciate them for that.

Now while I had my head down and I was pulling all of the pieces together, I on-boarded two new clients. One was a returning client and the other was a referral. And I was able to do that without burning out and complete the tasks I needed to do for them. How? Because of the systems I have in place. 

It also helped that I put on blinders and pulled back from consuming a bunch of content on social media. I’ve learned that looking at what everyone else is doing makes you feel like you need to be doing a bunch of things like pitching yourself to be on podcasts or to speak at summits, launch an online course or create a low cost digital product. 

But if you already have a tight schedule like me, you need to evaluate those so-called opportunities and determine if it’s something that you REALLY need to grow your business. In order for it to be beneficial, it has to be introduced at the right time. You also need to have the resources available in order for it to help you achieve the success you want. So how can you make that decision? That’s where auditing your year comes in. 

Honestly, I recommend you do this every quarter because your circumstances can change very quickly. And if you’ve created a plan that doesn’t match the season your life is actually in, then you set yourself up for failure. That’s why I go through this process every 90 days.

But right now is a good time for you to sit quietly and reflect on everything that has happened in your life AND in your business. Why both? Well frankly, what happens to you personally has an impact on your business and vice versa. So this is a really good time to reflect on what has happened, what’s happening right now and what you expect to happen. Reflect on what?

Reflect On Successes and Failures 

We want to take a look at what went well and what we did not go so well this year. Every experience that we have contains a lesson. We just need to stop and take note of what it is. And you should really think about all these things before we go into a new year. 

When I reflect on the journey that I’ve had, it has truly prepared me for the journey that I’m about to take and I’ve learned I need to realign my business accordingly. Now the goal of this exercise is to see what we can refine and make better instead of creating something new. Pause and think about that. 

If we aren’t intentional about the actions we take, we will go into the new year thinking we need to wipe the slate clean and start over. But at the end of the day, every new thing that you start in your business sets you back by about two years. Too much new will start to distance you from your purpose and the reason why you’re in business and you will want to throw in the towel. 

This happens because something new requires new energy, new focus, and new resources. It also requires you to focus on this new thing that you’re creating. So it takes time and energy away from things that you’ve already implemented and things that may already be working in your business. And because it requires time and energy, it is slowing down your progress.

Let me tell you from experience, this is true! I started this re-alignment process two years ago by deciding to do a total rebrand because my messaging wasn’t aligned with my values. My business structure wasn’t either. So when I sat down and reflected on this year, I looked over my wins and my losses before I made any decisions. This is what I came up with.


  • My average email open rate in Convert Kit is 35% and I’m consistent with sending weekly emails
  • I completed four back office assessments in two months which gave me the insight I needed to continue to transform my business services 
  • Signed two new clients
  • Doubled my monthly revenue
  • Was able to invest in other professionals and get help
  • Hired my daughter as an assistant
  • Was able to be more present with my family
  • Took multiple work free vacations 


  • Two clients ended contracts
  • Podcast didn’t lead to new sales
  • One of the four back office assessments didn’t convert 

So as I mentioned before, the next level means refining what you already have and being intentional with what you focus on next. So I looked at these results and determined what refinements I needed to make. 

To do this, sometimes you may need to pay for a consultation to get a clear picture of your next step. I started with the podcast because that is a living, breathing sales tool that I own and have total control over. So I booked a podcast strategy session with Stacey Harris of Uncommonly More in May. After that one hour strategy session I knew that the podcast needed a refresh. Stacey helped me work through how to pause it to take those steps. And I knew that I needed to shift my attention and really market the business assessments that I do, which I had not been doing.

Once I focused my marketing and my attention on that, those four business assessments were booked and two of them happened while I was on vacation and I did not have to do a single thing because of my system. I was excited to see those payment notifications come through while I sat on the beach sipping on my drink!

Completing those assessments helped me identify a gap in my business model and my existing services that I wasn’t offering and I’m able to help my clients get better results quicker. And I didn’t have to create anything new! 

As I analyzed the data from the business owners that converted and I implemented their action plan, I realized my target market does not currently have the space to step away from their business during the day. They need things done in one shot and just want updates. So I recognized that my VIP Day offer was the way to go but it needed refreshing. So I invested in an online course with templates to help me start offering them again. But I was able to do that very quickly because it already existed.

My point, look at refining what you’ve already got in place to help your ideal client and offer that. Then focus on what one of my mentors calls the wedge effect. Find out what other ways you can help your client be the hero of their story so that you can wedge your way through and increase opportunities to work with them using things that you’ve already got in place.

But you can only do that by refining and focusing. So what should you focus on?

Focus On Your Mission and Your Vision

Never ever forget your why! Most small business owners do. That’s why we spend time on this when you book a back office assessment. 

  • Why did you start your business? 
  • How is this business supposed to serve you and your family now? 
  • What is this business supposed to do for you in the long game? 

These three questions are the key to help you make the right decisions in your business. You need to be clear on your purpose to be able to clearly communicate what you stand for. Then you need a clear vision statement because it helps you prepare for tomorrow. 

If you know where you are supposed to be going, when opportunities arise you will be able to determine if it fits into the season your life is in at that moment. You can also determine if it fits into the plan to move you forward and you will be more equipped to decide if you should say yes, no or maybe later. 

Your mission and your vision is vital information to create a strategic plan for your business. And you need a strategic plan to help you look beyond the immediate moment and take the right steps to build your legacy. The big plan helps you determine what you want your business to look like over the next 3, 5, or 10 years. It will change a little every year but the ultimate legacy you are building DOES NOT CHANGE

We discuss this during a back office assessment because your goals need to help you build your legacy and your systems need to help you take the right steps to reach your goals. You can’t work on one without the other; well at least that’s not how I work with my clients. You’ve been at this for a while and you need a clear line of sight. A back office assessment is a great place for you to start getting that clarity so you can set the right goals, take the right steps and get some results. It’s what I call stepping into your POWER. 

But there is one more thing you need to do in order for all of this to come together so you can execute. 

Get Your Systems Together

Now you know I wasn’t going to end this episode without talking about systems. No matter what your goals are and no matter how good your plan is, if you do not have systems in place in your business you will not be able to achieve sustainable growth, if you ever have any at all. 

So you REALLY need to have your finger on the pulse of your back office. There are six core systems every business needs to be able to achieve sustainable growth. And once you have your goal and a detailed action plan written out, you need to look at where your business systems are right now and determine what gaps you need to fill in. 

Business systems are the foundation of a strong and successful small business. They are also the doorway to the time and mental freedom you need to focus on your zone of genius and enjoy life in the moment. 

Now I understand this conversation has your mind racing. And more than likely you’ve put off creating your business systems because this isn’t your expertise. But I want you to stop spinning your wheels and get this issue resolved. A business assessment is the first step in helping you make this happen.

You may be wondering if you really need one because you’ve been in business for quite some time. Well, honestly answer these questions as you plan for success in the new year. 

  • Do you know how to take your business to the next level next year?
  • Are you a team of one but you want to hire a right hand guy or gal to help with the day-to-day operations… but the money isn’t there yet to justify the cost?
  • Are you always checking emails, working on client work, and sending invoices at all times of the day including weekends and when you’re supposed to be on vacation?
  • Are you working so many hours that your friends and family are used to you not being there physically or used to you not enjoying the moment with them?

If you answered yes to one or all of those questions, then you need a back office assessment now! So let me tell you a little about what happens during a back office assessment?

We connect on Zoom and you answer those three questions I shared earlier. 

  • Why did you start your business? 
  • How is this business supposed to serve you and your family now? 
  • What is this business supposed to do for you in the long game? 

We also look at what is or isn’t working in your business right now. If it’s not broken, we don’t need to fix it. The goal is to put out the fires first. More than likely you have some processes in place already, even if they’re in your head. Stop and think about it, what happens to your business if you lose your head? So we need to get them out of your head, get them documented and build from there.

After the call, you get a customized action plan that is based on the things we discussed during your assessment. Then we reconnect on Zoom to go through the action plan together and you can ask any questions you may have, discuss the VIP Day options that are best for you to get the plan implemented. 

Even if you decide to walk away with the action plan and implement it on your own, I guarantee you will feel relieved after our call because you will have a better picture of what your business operations are now and a clear picture of what they can be if you invest time and resources. 

Plus this is a great way to get access to my strategic brain without having to make a long-term commitment. And it’s definitely going to get you better results than you’re getting trying to do this on your own.

So click here if you’re ready to book your assessment. It’s the first piece of the puzzle you need to SPARC change for the better in your business in the next 90 days.

We can do this together! 

Things Mentioned in This Episode

Book A Back Office Assessment

Grab My Audio Mini Training: How to Grow Your Business Without Being Overwhelmed

Check Out the MY-T Society Membership

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