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Do Business Your Way and Define Your Own Success

What is success? You need to define your own success.

Success means different things to every individual. So it’s time you define your own success and achieve it by your own rules.

This is your business! So be intentional about how you run it and how it supports your life. Ignore what social media defines as success.

I know you’ve heard the phrase, Keeping up with the Joneses. So whether you want to admit it or not, we all have those moments where your neighbor, friend or family member makes home improvements, gets a new car or just has this new material thing and we start to rearrange things in our lives to do the same thing.

Sometimes this is a great motivator to get things done that you’ve been putting off. That’s not what I’m talking about. Just because someone seems to have more things, more money – whatever it is – this does not mean they are happy. You don’t know what’s going on in their lives behind the scenes. 

So you need to change our viewpoint. You need to define success on your own terms! How can you do that?

Remember Your Why to Define Your Own Success

Think about why you started this journey.

I’m sure it wasn’t so you would have little to no time for your family. I know it wasn’t so you would have less time to invest in yourself. And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t so you would work so much that you feel burned out but your business would still be in the same place.

So stop and think about why you started this journey. 

Write your why somewhere that you can see it constantly. Never forget that you should define your own success. If it’s not having a six-figure business, that’s ok. If it takes you longer than others to get things done for your business because you focus on your family, that’s ok too. That’s why you have to remember YOUR WHY

Practice Daily Gratitude to Define Your Own Success

Take time every day to notice the positive things in your life. When you do this, you will be less likely to compare yourself to anyone else. You will stay focused on your own journey and make decisions that will support what you want out of life.

Just take a moment to think about the progress you’ve made over the past six months. Does your business allow you the flexibility you desired? Are you able to create priceless memories with your family as you spend quality time with them?

When you think about these fulfilling achievements every day, they help you see the forest through the trees. These positive emotions will fuel your progress even further. The more progress you make on your goals, the happier you feel. The happier you feel, the more progress you make on your goals.

Get Specific with Your Goals to Define Your Own Success

The more specific you can be, the more attached to it you become. It becomes real, it’s a part of your life. So when things get tough, close your eyes and picture whatever your success looks like and keep moving forward, even if sometimes you have a few setbacks. 

For example, I have failed miserably at sticking to workout plans. I didn’t really visualize what I wanted things to look like in the end. I focused on being a certain weight and being healthier of course. But my big goal just wasn’t the one that helped me cultivate the right motivation. So I shifted my visualization and focused on being more fit by creating sustainable healthy habits.

I removed the big and scary goal of lose 25 lbs goal and focused on drinking 64 oz of water daily and going for a walk at least two days a week. Once I reached those goals consistently for about a month, I added another goal. 

I’m more focused on increasing my steps every day. Right now I’m consistently getting in at least 4k steps every day. How? I am intentional about getting up and moving throughout the day and it feels good! I love seeing the number of steps I’ve taken at the end of the day and it motivates me to do the same or even better the next day. 

So make sure you set those little goals and celebrate when you achieve them! Those little steps turn into bigger action.  

Bigger action leads to the achievement of those big goals, which in turn leads to increased happiness. So I want you to ask yourself the question again – What does success look like to you?

Now you know how to define your own success. The only thing that’s left for you to do is make it happen!

If you would like the audio version of this topic, be sure to check out episode 37 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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