Business systems, it’s not exactly the most sexy topic. But since you’re listening to this episode, that lets me know you are open-minded and purpose-driven. Systems are the foundation a business needs to achieve sustainable growth. And if you want your business to grow without taking control of your life, then you need some basic systems in place. So today we’re going to talk about the six basic business systems you need no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey.
Every facet of your business is part of some kind of system. When they are created correctly, all of the systems work together to help you execute your business strategy. As your business grows and changes, you will create new systems. Really, you will always be streamlining your existing systems and building new ones. And it’s important that your basic systems are in place because everything else should be created to work harmoniously with them.
So let me start by giving you my definition of a business system. In my world, a system is a step-by-step process, the tools needed to automate steps and the person completing the remaining steps.
Why should you implement business systems?
For Consistency
When you manually complete a task there is room for human error. Not to mention you may skip a step or two so every time you complete that task you get a different outcome. Your results may look the same on the surface, but is it always the quality you want?
When you document your process and automate what you can, you get predictable results. That means the task is completed in a timely manner and the end result is top quality.
To Provide a Better Client Experience
The first impression is a lasting impression. The experience people have with you starts way before they work with you. Without business systems, you will not be able to build trust or loyalty with your clients. And both are vital if you want to keep them. More importantly, if you want them to sing praises that result in more clients for you. But without systems, you leave it to chance.
To Operate Efficiently
You should have a strategy you’re implementing to grow your business. Systems help you execute that strategy because you have time to focus and make good decisions. They also reduce costs without you having to take shortcuts, improve your brand because things are consistent, and you will have insight into the areas of your business that need to be improved to meet the needs of your clients.
Now let’s talk about the six basic systems you need to have in place in your business.
Basic System #1 – Central Filing System
This is critical to your productivity. The biggest mistake small business owners make is saving everything on their hard drive. What happens if your hard drive crashes? You will lose everything! This happened to my first Macbook and I was so happy that all of my business documents were stored electronically.
Basic System #2 – Scheduling System
Other than email and social media, phone calls are one of the biggest distractions ever. One of the easiest ways you can keep this from happening is to put boundaries around your schedule with an online scheduling system. Then all you have to do is provide a link to the specific appointment. And you don’t have to do anything else and reminders go out automatically.
Basic System #3 – Communication System
This is internal communication and external communication. External communication is with your clients, people you meet at networking events, etc. Basically everyone outside of your business.
And when it comes to your clients and potential clients, you need to have a customer care process. This starts from that first point of contact. This entire process provides a glimpse into the inner workings of your business. It either helps build trust (which is a critical component in the know, like and trust factor) or it creates doubt about your ability to deliver your services.
Basic System #4 – Money Management System
While you may be thinking well I know I need to watch my money, most business owners do not know their numbers. And because of that many small businesses do not survive. A money management system helps you keep a finger on the pulse of the money that’s coming into and going out of your business. If finances are not your strong suit, that’s ok. You can track your monthly expenses with a simple spreadsheet.
As far as money coming in, whether you invoice or have paid appointments, you need to track that money as it comes in. This is also very important if you do monthly auto-billing, you need to have a process for when payments are declined or when payments are late. This is also where your templates come into play. As you can see, this doesn’t have to be an expensive bookkeeping system. Just some basic pieces are needed until you can make that type of investment.
Basic System #5 – Sales and Marketing System
Let me start by saying yes, they are different! Marketing gets you seen, sales gets you paid. So your marketing is what builds the know, like and trust factor. This includes your customer care process which is part of your communication system that I talked about earlier.
If you have a podcast, what’s your process when you have guests on your show?
What about your email marketing? Do you have a welcome series in place when someone grabs your freebie? How often do you email your subscribers?
All of these things need to be documented so that your marketing can be effective, which in turn, brings in sales. That also includes how you sale your digital products, your services, or affiliate marketing for any products, or services that you recommend.
Basic System #6 – Backup System
You may be scratching your head about this one. In a nutshell, a backup system is Plan B to keep your business running without you. As a small business owner, you need this to be in place so that your business can survive and thrive without you. The best time to prepare is before an emergency arises. And there are multiple areas you need to have a backup plan in place for. Your computer files, your website or blog, your CRM, and people on your Dream Team. All of this makes up your Emergency Preparedness plan so your business can survive and thrive in your absence.
So those are the six basic systems you need to have in place in your business. Remember this, if you do not have documented processes and systems in place, you do not have a business you have a you. That means if you don’t do it, it doesn’t get done. That also means if something happens to you, it’s game over for your business. And we don’t want that to happen.
Now I want you to know that I intentionally did not provide a lot of detailed information on the six basic systems for a reason. In upcoming episodes I am going to go deeper into each of these basic systems and talk about some of the tech tools you can use in your systems. So make sure you hit subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss any episodes.
Now if you sort of have systems but you want help to get them cleaned up so that your business operates as a well-oiled machine, then a back office assessment is perfect for you. It’s a great way to get my eyes on your back office. It’s a 2 hour call on Zoom. Afterward, I will create a custom action plan to help you get your basic systems up and running. Then we will review the action plan together and talk about the options available to get your plan implemented together.
I want you to hear from someone who is on the other side of this process. She was referred to me because her business had her so overwhelmed that she was ready to throw in the towel.
Jodi Silverman of Moms Who Dare had this to say,

Thank you Jodi! It was such a pleasure working with Jodi because as we implemented her action plan, I could see the relief on her face; especially once her Google Drive was sorted and organized. I started offering these assessments because the next logical step is to implement the plan together over three months, to just knock things out during a VIP Intensive, or you can implement with my guidance inside of the MY-T Society membership which contains the roadmaps, templates and other resources you will need.
I actually had Jodi on the podcast to give an update on how things are going in her business after getting her systems in place. Click here to listen to our chat. But one of the things that stood out in that conversation is the clarity Jodi had once she was organized and had time to really focus on growing her membership and her business.
If you would like to read more testimonials click here. To find out more about the back office assessment, go to You can also book your call there. Now is a great time to start the process of creating and or building out your basic systems before spring because it does take some time unless you book a VIP Day of course. But I only have room in my schedule for two each month so they tend to book out quickly.
If you have any questions, reach out to me on Instagram @the_shannonbaker or email me at Let’s get them answered so you can get your assessment booked today.
Learn more about the six core systems in the articles below
System 1 – Why You Need a Digital Filing System and How to Create One
System 2 – How an Online Scheduler Will Help You Manage Your Time
System 3 – How to Provide the Best Customer Experience Inside and Outside of Your Small Business
System 4 – An Effective Money Management Strategy for Small Business Owners
System 5 – Key Components You Need to Create a Sales & Marketing System for Your Small Business
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