One of the biggest questions I get is how can we work together to organize my business and create the systems I need to start building a team. This can happen inside of the MY-T Society membership or I can audit your back office operations and implement the action plan on a VIP Day. Which one is best for you?
Let me start by saying how excited I am because I’ve been in this particular business for over 10 years. I started my first business over 20 years ago. But I started this business as a virtual assistant.
But as I learned more and acquired more experience, I evolved and so did the business. So I thought it would be good to let you know exactly how you can work with me now as a business strategist because I have a different approach than others in my opinion. I take a wholistic approach meaning I don’t just look at what’s going on in your business. We need to consider what’s happening in your life so that we can successfully make plans for your business. One has an impact on the other so they shouldn’t be separated.
So I’m going to start by letting you know a bit more about who I work with, what I do and how I do it. I help SheEO’s with service based businesses calm the chaos in their back office and create scalable systems so their small business operates like a well-oiled machine giving them time to live their legacy and create success on their own terms.
This requires business systems with automation which saves you a ton of time. And you can do this without being overwhelmed by it all. More importantly, you will have time to invest in your professional growth, you can take better care of yourself AND can unplug and enjoy life. While you do so, your business still functions and grows.
A Bit More About Who I Work With
My clients are in different phases of their journey as an entrepreneur. They want to be more organized, they want to work more efficiently by creating systems and some of them want to build their “Dream Team” to handle what they can’t automate.
While we aren’t opposed to creating a six figure income, that isn’t our immediate goal. Our focus is on creating a business that allows us to create wealth in other ways and that’s how we measure success. We want to create a legacy but we will not sacrifice our health or quality time with our family and friends.
Our success is based on our spiritual, mental and emotional wealth and the ability to be fully present when we’re with the people we love. The material possessions are a nice perk, but that enhances everything else. The bonus is that we get to use our natural talents and the skills we’ve acquired to help other people succeed which helps us live out our purpose which is fulfilling as well.
Now I must be upfront and let you know that in order for you and your business to benefit from any of my services, you need to be in business for at least one year and have a solid business concept but can’t invest in my 1:1 services or you’re an implementer like me and you take action if someone guides you along the way.
I’m letting you know this upfront because you’re trying a lot of different things when you start a business. Now there are some basic systems you should create right away. But you probably don’t have the clarity or the income you need to make larger investments or create scalable systems in your business. The investment I’m referring to is not just a financial investment, it is also a time investment that requires a commitment.
And in order for us to successfully work together, there are some key pieces that need to already be sorted out. You need to know who you serve and how you serve them. And if you’re past that incubation phase, which is what I call the first year, then you can get a taste of what it’s like to work with me by joining the MY-T Society membership. I realized I am in a unique position to offer a different kind of support, education and accountability than what I was seeing in the online space as my business grew and that’s what this membership provides.
How to Streamline Your Business in the MY-T Society
If you’re a DIYer like me and just want a resource you can use to get over a hurdle or you want some help learning how to use your tech tools, you will love this option. You can log into it when you want, it’s not on Facebook so you won’t have all of the distractions. And it’s a less expensive option that gives you access to my strategic brain. But it is NOT filled with a bunch of boring videos. It is a high touch done-with-you group mentorship experience to help you organize your business and support you in learning how to use your tech tools so you can grow your business.
There is a roadmap that identifies the systems you need to implement based on where you are in your entrepreneurial journey. That takes some of the guesswork out of the process. There are quick video tutorials and resources to help you learn how to use a variety of tech tools that will boost your productivity in your business. And the tools inside are limited to what I use in my tech toolbox because I didn’t want it to be overwhelming.
Some of the standard features inside the MY-T Society are:
Monthly live masterclasses with me or an expert guest on a specific theme to help you operate more efficiently and grow your business
– Hot seat coaching calls for personalized feedback
– Hands-on task planning and done-with-you SOP creation
– Implementation weeks for rest + catching up
– Exclusive members-only deals
Again, it is not hosted on Facebook. I created it on a platform called Heartbeat. It’s accessible via the web and you can install the mobile app on your phone or tablet. I wanted this membership to be in a space free of all the distractions and limitations you experience with Facebook. Most importantly, I wanted everything you need to be in one space that is private and easily accessible. I want you to be intentional with your time. So when you’re ready to focus on your business, you can log into the app and get things done without distractions.
How to Streamline Your Business with me 1:1
Now if you are ready to pull back the curtain on your back office so that I can identify the gaps in your business operations, then you should book a back office assessment. I call it a Solo POWER Assessment because afterwards you will feel relieved because you will have a better picture of your business operations and what you should be focused on.
No more spinning your wheels and wasting time on the wrong things. This is a great way to get access to my strategic brain without having to make a long-term commitment. And it’s definitely going to get you better results than you’re getting trying to figure all of this out on your own.
It’s a 2 hour recorded call on Zoom where we do a deep dive into your current operations so that I can get a better picture of what is/isn’t working in your business. But more importantly, we also talk about what needs to change so that your business can support your why.
So if you’re all in and ready to get relief, you click the link and pick a date and time that works for both of us, complete the intake form that gives me a bit of background information on you and your business and you make your payment, all at the same time.
Some of the data it collects is when did you start your business and why. As well as the stage your business is in. I also want to know how much time you’re spending on administrative tasks. And how important is streamlining your back office. If you can’t answer these questions, then you aren’t quite ready for this call. The answers help me see some of the gaps in your operations we need to address right away. It also lets me know if you are ready to invest the time needed to create your business systems.
When you book the call you will get a confirmation email from my shceling app. You will also get an email that identifies some information you need to gather before your assessment. This happens automatically because this process is part of my on-boarding system. The second email includes some worksheets to help you choose one goal you want to focus on in your business for the next 90 days because this drives what systems we need to make the priority.
Now when we get on Zoom for the assessment, we discuss your goals for your business and how you want it to support your lifestyle. We also discuss your mission, vision and values because they are key to what you need to focus on first. Everything has a season including your life. So we need to plan accordingly.
After the call, you get a link to the call recording and a customized action plan in 5-7 business days that is based on the things we discussed during your assessment. In that email will be a link for you to schedule another Zoom call to discuss the action plan and you can ask any questions you may have. The most frequently asked question is can we change the timeline in the action plan. The answer is yes! But we will talk through the impact the changes will have on the results you originally wanted and you can decide from there.
We also discuss the next steps to get the plan implemented. You can walk away with it and implement it on your own, which I don’t recommend. I’ve had a few people try this and it didn’t go well. They either got overwhelmed with the process and gave up or they just never started the implementation process.
The best options are to join the MY-T Society and get access to the resources you need to implement the plan with my assistance. Or you can book a VIP Day where I do the heavy lifting and just get thst off your plate.
If you decide you want me to do the heavy lifting on a VIP day, then you will receive a contract and a link to make the payment and schedule a kick-off call. By the way, the cost of your business assessment is applied towards the cost of your VIP Day.
Every VIP Day booking includes:
– Pre-intensive client homework, so that we’re ready to go on the VIP day
– A kick-off call to review homework and set expectations for the day of the intensive
– Up to 6 hours of implementation work on the day of intensive (you would need to be available via Voxer for feedback and check-ins)
– 3 hour post-intensive follow-up where I walk you through your new system and any last minute questions, changes/edits/corrections can be addressed
– Afterward you have access to me via Voxer for 30 days for hiccups you experience with your new system and questions
– 30 day check-in call to see how things are going
So the difference between the two implementation options with me comes down to how fast you want to make things happen. You can totally do this on your own and reach out to me for support or assistance as needed. Or we can just get it done and you can use that free time to strengthen your network and growing your business.
My job is to make sure you are focused on the things that will generate income for your business and that the systems are in place to support that growth. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, I recommend you start streamlining your back office with the full business assessment.
So if you’re ready to build a stable foundation to support sustainable growth and you’re ready to get back to running your business, then book your assessment today. Go to
And if you want to get more information on the membership. Go to
So I want to thank you for tuning in today to learn more about what I do since it has changed even over the years. I’m excited about the projects I’m working on and I hope that you are excited about the possibilities for yourself. Now that you know how I can assist you, I can’t wait to work with you!
I look forward to hearing more about the things you have planned so feel free to DM on Instagram @the_shannonbaker. You can also DM me if you enjoyed this episode or have any questions. I will put links to everything I’ve mentioned in the show notes for you.