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Back Office Hacks You Need to Finish the Year Strong

Does back office efficiency seem to be fleeting? Are you feeling like your business is running you instead of the other way around? You’re juggling all the balls, but you’re dropping most of them. Does this sound familiar? 

It’s a common struggle for a lot of entrepreneurs, but it doesn’t have to be yours. In this episode of the Mind Your Time podcast, I’m diving into how you can achieve real back office efficiency and eliminate the chaos that’s been holding you back from hitting your goals.

We’re talking about practical steps to help you zero in on the one area of your business that’s causing the most stress right now. Whether it’s client management, messy operations, or marketing that’s all over the place, narrowing your focus will prevent burnout and lead to serious progress. That means getting your back office in order without the hustle, the grind, or the overwhelm.

If your client onboarding process is a chaotic mess—trust me, I see this all the time—then I’ve got you covered. Inside the MY-T Society Membership, we have a Welcome Kit & Onboarding Process Workbook that will help you create a smooth, professional onboarding experience without the headache. With step-by-step guidance and ready-to-use templates, you can streamline your operations, build trust with your clients, and lay a solid foundation that supports sustainable growth.

But we’re not stopping there. You need more than a shiny new system—you need a solid plan. That’s why I’m breaking down how to set realistic 90-day action plans. We’re talking about breaking things down into bite-sized, manageable steps and setting deadlines that actually get you moving. No more long to-do lists that lead to zero progress—just focused, strategic action that gets results.

The MY-T Society Membership has everything you need to make that happen—from goal-setting worksheets to the BizOps Checklist and the Marketing Matrix Analyzer. These tools save you time and mental energy by giving you exactly what you need, all in one place. So, instead of spending hours piecing things together on your own, you can start making progress now and see results sooner.

Remember, progress doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not about getting everything perfect from day one—it’s about making small, steady improvements over time. Regular check-ins and flexibility are key to ensuring the systems you’ve set up are still working and supporting your business as it grows.

Bottom line? This episode of the Mind Your Time podcast is a must-listen if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your business operations and are ready to change that. You’ll walk away with practical, actionable steps to achieve back office efficiency, streamline your operations, and turn chaos into clarity. Whether you’re struggling with client onboarding, marketing, or just overall back office disorganization, this episode offers valuable insights to help you finish the year strong.

Don’t miss out—tune in now to get the strategies and tools you need to create a more efficient, productive, and enjoyable entrepreneurial journey.

If you would like to hear the expanded version check out the podcast episode below.

1:59 – What to do with the insights from the Annual Business Checkup

3:28 – Why focusing on one high-impact area is key

8:03 – Setting realistic goals and streamlining your systems

12:30 – How eliminating overwhelm leads to faster results

14:36 – Steps to finish the year strong and build momentum for next year

  If you're tired of your business running you, and you're ready to flip the script, then this episode is just what you need. Today's episode is a followup to our annual business checkup series, where we talked about what's really been holding your business back. Your mindset and your back office. But listen, gathering the data.

That was just the first step. Now it's time to turn that insight into action. So today I'm breaking down how you can pick just one area to focus on for the rest of the year. So you can finish stronger without burning out and finally see the progress that you want.

So in case you missed it. We recently wrapped up the annual business checkup series, which you can binge listen to in less than an hour. And if you tuned into the series already, I hope you took the time to actually do the checkup. Because the information that you've gathered is pure gold for pushing your business forward. Especially as the year comes to an end.

Now if this is your first time tuning in, don't worry. Finished this episode first, but I'm going to challenge you to go back and listen to the series afterwards. Those episodes will walk you through evaluating your business as it is right now. So you can identify the gaps in your back office and get crystal clear on when your time. Money. An energy might be slipping through the cracks.

Trust me, you don't want to miss it. Now, if you've completed your checkup, great job. You've already taken a huge step, but now here's where the rubber meets the road. All of that information that you gathered, it's just the beginning. The real transformation happens when you take that knowledge. And. Put some action with it and let's be real. You're at a critical turning point.

You want results and you want to finish the year strong. So don't give up. Now you can either turn the insight that you've gathered into real, tangible action. Or you can stay stuck in the same cycles that have been keeping you overwhelmed and feeling burnt out by a business that's not growing. The choice is yours. Now, I know you're thinking as you look at your checkup results, well, where do I even start?

Or there's so much to fix. It just feels impossible. And I get it. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when everything seems like it's a priority or needs to be a priority, but here's the truth. You don't need to fix everything right now at one time. Trying to do what all at once is going to leave you exhausted and frustrated.

And let me remind you, we're not about that hustle and grind mentality that a lot of people have. We're here. We're about strategic. Focused action. That leads to real progress without burning you out. And I don't want you to get caught up in perfectionism either because that will also hold you back. So here's what I want you to do next. Whether you've already completed the checkup or not think about the areas of your business that are causing you the most stress what's keeping you up at night or draining your time and energy. Maybe it's your client management system, maybe it's all of your business operations or just your marketing. Or should I say, lack of marketing or systems because. When it comes to marketing. You have to be clear on what you're offering.

But whatever it is, I want you to pick just one area and focus on that for the rest of the year.

Yes. I said just one. Do not underestimate how much progress you can make in the next 90 days or so. I know that your instinct is to try to fix everything at once. But spreading yourself too thin is the fastest way to make sure you actually get nothing done. Plus consider the season of life that you're in right now and over the next few months and make sure you pick your focus accordingly. We're not just doing this. To be busy because they get you nowhere.

Right? So, let me give you. A real life example to drive this point home. One of the biggest areas of overwhelm that I see with entrepreneurs, especially women who are close to six figures or who just crossed that milestone is their client onboarding process or lack of, I should say. They've got clients coming in through referrals, which is great, but their own boarding process is either non-existent. Or what they have as a complete mess.

So they reinvent the wheel every time. So a new client signs up each time they do it differently. That's a huge time waster not to mention. It's draining your energy to have to think of all the steps. And let's be honest, it's not sustainable. If you're trying to grow. Now if that's your pain point. I don't want you to make the same mistake.

And that's why inside the mighty society membership, there is a welcome kit. Onboarding process workbook. And that workbook is designed to help you create a professional, seamless, and efficient onboarding experience for your clients without the overwhelm. It walks you through every step of the process.

So you don't have to figure this out on your own. You're also gonna find templates that you can customize to make it easier for you to create a welcome kit for your business so that every new client feels valued, informed. And confident in your services, right from the start. I mean, think about it. What would it feel like to have a process that runs like clockwork every time you onboard a new client? And what impression do you think that will make on your client?

Not to mention what it does to your confidence. But when they see a smooth professional onboarding process, it builds trust. So they won't question your ability to fulfill your contract. And that actually sets the tone for your entire working relationship. Remember, you're not just delivering a service, you're delivering a seamless experience that says I've got this under control and you're in good hands.

At least that's what we want you to be able to do.

Uh, Brandon welcome kit with an efficient onboarding process is how you show up as a leader of your business. And that's exactly what the mighty society membership is created to help you do. One of our members shared her experience and I think it perfectly captures. The power of this membership listened to what she had to say.

This program has really been instrumental in my growth as an entrepreneur. I always told Shannon when I first became entrepreneur.

I googled. How do you how do you start a business? And it told me l o c e i n website, but it didn't speak about the importance of having an efficient back office Operations and automating your system so that you don't have to focus on them as much This membership allowed me to do just that. Not only did it give me the platforms, but the information.

It also allowed me to talk to Shannon to see how can I build a foundation now for the success I see in the future. And that's one of the biggest things I learned. The success of your business starts with the foundation you lay it on. So I highly recommend this membership program to entrepreneurs no matter the level you're on.  

Her words. Perfectly capture what I want to help you build. A solid foundation that allows you to achieve sustainable growth that supports the lifestyle you want. But without the overwhelm and without having to figure it out all by yourself. So once you've identified that one area, you're going to focus on you need a reasonable and realistic action plan. And I'm a big believer in 90 day action plans.

And even though we're close to the end of the year, You still have time to create an execute a plan. Here's how you can create one. Break down what needs to happen in your business into smaller, manageable steps. Then make sure you set realistic deadlines for each step, because without those deadlines, you are not going to make progress. And we're not talking about just making a list of things that you're going to do someday. The point of this process is for you to get results. So let's go back to that client onboarding process. Your 90 day plan. I would start with you auditing your current process. Identify all the touch points in your client journey. How are they currently moving through it? Where are the bottlenecks or points where they're confused. Then you need to set a deadline to update your process.

And that could mean using the templates in that welcome kit workbook. To build a custom onboarding workflow. The final step is testing that new system with at least one or two new clients before the year ends. But keep in mind. Progress does not happen over night. It's not about getting everything perfect from the start. Because that's never going to happen, but you also can't set it and forget it. You have to make sure you check your systems regularly to ensure they're still efficient and working for your business. That's why the series is in annual checkups series. Because here's the thing, even when things get busy. Or you feel like you're falling behind. The most important thing you need to do is focus on taking one step at a time.

So ask yourself, what's the one thing that I can do today to keep my business moving forward. Now, if you're thinking well, Shannon, this all sounds great, but I'm already maxed out. Girl. I hear you. But here's where you need to stop and rethink how you're working. You don't have to do everything alone.

And honestly, you shouldn't. Growing a sustainable business means learning to delegate and get support after. You've got your systems in place. And inside of the mighty society membership, you don't just get access to workbooks like that on boarding and welcome kit. You get access to a full arsenal of resources that are designed to help you organize, streamline, and simplify your business operations. So, let me tell you about a few of these resources.

One, when it comes to goal, setting their goal, setting worksheets in there that will help you define your priorities for the next 90 days. And plan to make it happen. And if you're one of those people who tends to juggle too many things at once. The worksheets are going to help you focus on the most important things that you need to complete, which will move your business forward.

And I don't mean things that keep you busy. But things that actually get you results. Then there's the biz ops checklist. This is a tool that you want to use to identify where the gaps are in your back office. The checklist helps you audit your operations quickly. So you can spot the inefficiencies and fix them.

This is exactly what you need when you're feeling overwhelmed by all the moving parts of your business. And if marketing is where you're struggling. Let me tell you about the marketing matrix analyzer. That resource is designed to help you create a strategy that actually drives. Revenue.

It can help you evaluate your current marketing efforts so you get better results. So no more spaghetti marketing tactics where you randomly post and cross your fingers. Hoping someone's going to take action and purchase your service. After using the analyzer, you're going to be able to focus on what's proven to drive results in your business. Which will have a direct impact on your bottom line.

And that's exactly what you want. Um, those are just a few of the resources inside of the mighty society membership. Everything in there is designed to save you time and mental energy. So instead of piecing things together on your own or Googling your way through every problem. The mighty society membership gives you the tools you need, right at your fingertips in one location so that you can take action now, but you don't have to take my word for it.

This is what another member had to say.

  I love that the videos are stripped down to just what you need to know to get started so you can save hours of Googling and YouTubing. When I first joined, I started looking around a little bit inside the membership, but mostly I was able to go straight to what I was looking for because it was so easy to navigate.

I could find just what I need when I needed it.  

So if you're still thinking, I still don't have time for all of this. The words you just heard prove you wrong. All of us have the same 24 hours in a day. And it's not about having more time. It's about using your time wisely. You can make progress in your back office in as little as 30 minutes a week. Yeah, 30 minutes. And don't wait until December to take action.

You need to set a weekly or biweekly reminder to. Take a close look at where you are. What's working. What's not, what do you need to adjust? Flexibility is important. And so is consistency. I know you're not going to get immediate results from every change. But small steady progress is how you build a business that runs like a well-oiled machine. And if you haven't done the checkup yet, this is your reminder.

It's not too late to go back and listen to the annual business checkup series. Those episodes are going to help you identify the gaps in your business. Figure out where you're wasting time, money, and energy and help you get clarity on where you need to focus to get results for the rest of this year. And into the next. So let's do a quick recap of today's action steps.

Before we wrap up first, you need to choose one area. You're going to focus on the rest of the year. Do not try to fix everything. Just pick one thing. That's going to have the biggest impact. Then you need to create your 90 day action plan. Break it down into steps and make sure you set deadlines. And then finally you need to check in with yourself regularly. Be consistent. Be flexible and stay focused. Now I want you to take a moment and think back to why you decided to clique complete the business checkup in the first place. It wasn't about figuring out what needs to be fixed in your back office. You really wanted to know how you could make real improvements in the way that you run your business. So that you can finish the year stronger than you started.

You want clarity control and a clear path forward. This is your moment. To make a pivot. Take what you've learned about your business and try something different to get the results that you want. Get off the hamster wheel. By focusing on just one area. Creating a solid plan. And committing to those regular honest check-ins with yourself. You're setting yourself up for real progress, not just in your business, but in how you show up for yourself as a business owner. And as someone who wants a life outside of their business, Every member. I'm here to support you every step of the way. So, if you're ready to take control of your time, get organized and grow your business with less stress than the mighty society membership.

That's definitely the first step you need to take right now. With the resources, guidance, and support available to you inside. You can stop spinning your wheels and start moving forward with confidence. So if you're ready to make these last few months count. And lay a strong foundation for the years ahead. Join us inside the mighty society membership today. You've already put in the work by completing the checkup. Now let's turn that information into transformation. I can not wait to see the progress you're going to make. And the business you're going to build, once you have the right systems in place.

Resources mentioned in this post:

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