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5 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back and Get Stuff Done

Has this ever happened to you? You take time to plan your week but after you wake up and complete your morning routine, which includes a cup of coffee of course, you don’t feel like doing anything else. 

Sometimes, the root of your mood is obvious. Then other times, you can’t figure out what’s wrong so that you can get your mojo back.

Why does this happen to us?

Basically, there’s a lot going on in your  world right now. For starters you are the working mom, wife, teacher, cook and the list goes on and on right?!

And the truth is, there will always be a lot going on! Our lives have so many moving parts. No wonder we have days that we wake up out of sorts. And guess what? That’s ok!

There may be things in your life that have changed which you can’t control. However, you can control how you react. You can renew your motivation, maintain your sanity and refocus on your goals…get thing back in alignment.

Being motivated is one of the most important factors to success in any part of our lives. When that motivation is gone…it’s scary.

Motivation comes and goes. You must learn how to commit to achieving your goals whether you always feel like it or not. The good news is that this is just a temporary mood that will pass. The key is to recognize your triggers, give yourself some grace and take action to get back on track. 

So what exactly can you do, when you just ‘don’t feel like it’? You have to take some steps to get your mojo back so you can get things done!

5 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back

  1. Write out what you don’t feel like doing
  2. List three reasons you don’t want to do it 
  3. Make sure these are REALLY the reasons (don’t  skip  this  step). 
  4. Write out at least one thing you could do to get motivated again
  5. Schedule time in your calendar to do that one thing that will help you move forward. 

Rinse and repeat as needed!

 I fall into this state of apathy in my life too sometimes, after all – I’m only human! And I know it can be a place where success and thriving go to die…and I don’t want that for you or for me.

So before you dismiss this exercise…just take a moment to make sure you are  motivated in all the right ways, and if not, then do the 5 steps and see if it helps.

When you just don’t want to do the thing or do anything, you need to surround yourself other go getters that will motivate you and encourage you. You can do this!

Pursue your dream and only speak about it to people who encourage you. You will find those cheerleaders inside of The More Than Capable Mompreneur Facebook Community The ladies inside the community are amazing and help me work through so many things in my daily life and in my business. 

We need genuine connections, support, courage, empathy,  motivation, and so much more because this journey is hard.

I hope this episode helps you get your mojo back. And for the times in between, you can lean on us inside the FB group. 

I expand on these five steps in episode 31 of the podcast. Tune in on your favorite platform by clicking one of the links below.

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Links Mentioned In This Episode

Join the More Than Capable Mompreneur FB CommunityIf you would like to connect with me and other mompreneurs that can support you and help you deal with real life as a busy mompreneur, join my FREE Facebook community! We collaborate with each other, learn from each other and cheer each other on in life and in our business! 

Connect With Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker