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How to Use Nature to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Productivity

Did you know that you can use nature to reduce stress because honestly this is the “new norm?”

You may still rise at six to start your morning routine, however you’ve been forced into a new routine. Now your daily schedule includes the kids more than you would like which is increasing your stress levels and reducing your productivity.

Working at home has been totally redefined this year. A big change is your kids are home with you every day because of distance learning. So now you find you’re indoors all day, working in the same place which is increasing your anxiety. 

So what can you do? You can use nature to reduce stress!

In episode 32 of the podcast I had a wonderful conversation with Sandi Schwartz. She’s a mom of two, a science writer, positive psychology and environmental expert, and mom blogger behind The Happy Science Mom.

Sandi has written hundreds of articles on parenting, wellness, and environmental issues in outlets like Chicken Soup for the Soul, Scary Mommy, Motherly, Very Well Family, Your Teen, and numerous regional parenting magazines throughout the United States and Canada. She is also working on her first book about how nature can help children feel happier and calmer.

And who doesn’t want that? We discussed the following during our chat:

  1. How nature can reduce stress and anxious feelings
  2. Simple ideas to incorporate nature into your home if you’re not an outdoorsy person
  3. How you can build simple nature habits to reduce your family’s stress and boost your productivity 

Tune into our chat in episode 32 of the podcast for the details.

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Links Mentioned In This Episode

Check out The Happy Science Mom

Grab the Free 30 day Eco Happiness Challenge Calendar

If you’d like to connect online you’ll find the links to connect with me below. 

Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Apocalypse Daddy

    This is wonderful. the more people (mums and dads, but not just parents) who are tuned into the healing and calming powers of nature the happier humanity will be. As an avid outdoor person I can’t say how many times I have come back from nature and spent time with our kids and been completely present in the moment. I do yoga and meditation, both of which help ground me, but they don’t have such a profound impact as nature.

    1. Admin Account

      Thank you for sharing that! I agree, nothing beats being able to enjoy nature but being present in the moment with family is also wonderful these days. You’re setting a great example for your children!

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